lovin' ain't so hard: vox X Valentino

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For as long as they had exsisted, humans have always been pack creatures. It  was simply genetic. It had never been just one human. Even Adam and Eve had been created for each other.

This is were the belief that everyone had a soulmate waiting for them was birthed from.

It was said that once two soulmates found each other they would be blessed with a life of happyniess and joy. A love so powerful it even followed in death.

"Just stop fucking moving your gonna  elbow me again you dipshit!"

"Well maybe if you stopped trying to suffocate me with this fucking thing I wouldn't have to you dumbass!"

At least for most people. Unfortunately
however this was Hell and Hell always had a way of turning logic up on its head.

For every loving act there was a broken bone soon after.

An unfortunate result of pride, stubbornness and above all, stupidity.

It was tragedy really.

Lover's refusing to accept the fact that, perhaps, just mabey they injoyed the simple acts of affection from their second halves and that no, it was not a sign of weakness to cuddle under a blanket while a hellish storm raged outside.

It was difficult to accept that it wasn't weak to love.

Even in a place as cruel as Hell.

This was especially the case for the two overlords Vox and Valentino. More so Vox than his large moth companion.

These two had been dating for a mer two months, and in those two months an array of issues had arisen. Many a result of old habits.

For one to climb the food chain of Hells social  pyramid there was one golden rule.

Rely on yourself and nobody but yourself.

The idea of soulmates was treated as a cruel teasing glimpse of their old lives and the celestial realm that always floated mockingly above. Always just out of reach.

As if true love could be found in a land populated by those who god themself deemed unfixable.

They were all just broken pieces floating in the wind without purpose.

But although it was a land created to inhabit monsters love wasn't as impossible to find than most of its denizens believed.  Like all good things were It was simply a matter of working for it.

It was just in Hell often you had to work twice as hard. 

An example being the overlords mentioned previously.

Two demons that had clawed and fought Thier way through Hells ranks. Through deception and pure willpower they had gotten to the top. Sacrificing everything until they couldn't even be remotely compared to what once was human.

Yet even as members of Hells worst they dared to try regain even a slither of the humanity that had been cast aside so thoughtlessly. Even though they didn't deserve it they dared to be happy. They dared to love. Even if it took everything they had.

But it was possible. For even creatures as broken as themselves.


It had been a really hard day and frankly Valentino was getting tired of his boyfriends stubborn tuff guy bullshit.

A low growl rubble in his throat, annoyance deepening in his expression as he was once again was elbowed by the Asshole for trying to cover him in a large fur blanket.

"I told you already Val I'm not f-fucking cold!"

Valentino inhaled deeply, attempting not to give into the temptation and knock the flat screen mother fucker out.

"Sure ya ain't babe that's why your shaking like that right?"

The words rolled off his tung with sarcasm as thick as his new Yorker accent. His eyes squinted and a smirk came to face as he watched something akin to a blush rapidly spread over the flat screens... screen. 

"Pffff your just seeing things v-val, it's ah my circuits acting up! Yeah that's it, you wouldn't understand it's a machine thing"

A moment passed of complete silence.

Followed by a noise of suprise and shock escaping Vox as something warm and heavy was thrown on top of him, covering his body from head to toe.

Valentino watched as the next few seconds passed with pure utter amusement. Laughter erupted from his throat as vox jumped around desperately trying to claw the large blanket off of his body, the weight of the material making it difficult. All the while a very distant yet familiar warmth swarmed in his chest.

Voxs eyes glowed a furious red as he finally managed to escape the dammed rag coat of a blanket. His face flared up as he was about to give the cocky asshole he called his boyfriend a foot up the ass when the sound of laughter met his ears effectively freezing him and his train of thought. He, liked this sound and how happy it was, and he, wouldn't mind hearing more of it.

He let out a low sigh feeling the anger drain out of him only to be replaced with the weight of tierness.

He walked towards Valentino who gazed at him with a teeth ish smile and a victorious expression.

"Ready ta admit ya cold Voxy?"

A snort sounded from the shorter overlord as a smirk came to his face and he looked up at the pump with challenge in his eyes. He threw the blanket back at the larger demon and felt hoots of laughter fall from his lips.

"Nope but I just thought you looked better with this on"


Alright I'm planning a little series of this similar to the Lucifer one where in each oneshot the relationship develops and gets more in depth and romantic. If anyone's interested of course.

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