Give yourself to me:yandere Valentino x shy fem/male reader

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You were such a timid little thing. Small and frail and so very very vulnerable. You were so weak it almost made him want to punch you. He took a deep puff of his cigar the pink smoke being one of the more visible things in the dimlit room other than the small stage infont of him.

His eyes squinted and a large cocky smirk spread across his muted blue face putting his naturally crimson teeth on full display. Small bits of ash fell from his cigar onto his exspesive fur lined coat staining the fabric.

He paid no mind, completely dismissing it as he was far more occupied with the skittish little darling clusmly dancing on the pole to care about the fact that his favorite coat had just, in his eyes been completely ruined beyond compare. No there was something much more ineed of his attention at the moment.

He clicked his tung and dug his long talons into the armrest of his seat rippinging the dark leather without care. Something truly beastish rising within him as he watched you hesitantly grind against the pole almost going completely feral when you looked his way with such large pleading eyes and a deep blush peppering your cheeks.

You should know better by now not to beg for mercy. Not to a monster.

Unfortunately for you and delightfully for him you'd already sealed your fate even if you weren't completely aware of it.

He leaned back into his seat lazily slumping into the collar of his coat. Resting his chin on his right hand and tapping the cigar in his left hand before stubbing it into the ashtray beside him, pink smoke fizzing out slowly.

Come here doll~" he purred, the words rolling off his tung. Beckoning you closer with a finger.

You jumped surprised your body tensing. He hadn't spoken since you started almost an hour ago and you didn't expect him to. Usually at the end of your unwilling "vists" he'd wordlessly gesture for you too leave and you never stuck around to long afterwards just in case he changed his mind. The way he looked at made you feel strange, afraid.

Your tail that was standing up similar to an alert cat slowly lowerd as you let out a shakey breath and stiffly turned to face him. There was a painfully forced smile on your face that threatened to fall as you lips wobbled. If he noticed he made no indication.

A sick feeling grew in your throat your skin feeling as though a  thousand ants were running along it as he made no attempt to hide his wandering eyes. You desperately wished to cover your self as you approached the monster that harassed you by day and haunt your dreams by night.

A soft hist escaped him, his grip on the arm rests grew more intense as more cushioning went flying followed by the unpleasant sound of leather tearing. This went ignored by him of course. You on the other hand at the loud sound  bit your lip and squinted your eyes. Sensitive ears flickering uncomfortably as your face curled into a cringe.

You were such a prude. He didn't understand why you felt the need to cover your body. You reminded him of a virgin like that, standing there trying to cover your more private part. Especially from him, it wasn't like there was anyone else to witness you in all your magnificent glory.

His eyes narrowed and cocky smile formed into a scowl.

Your body was for his eyes and his eyes alone even if he had to teach you that the hard way. True he'd be a dirty liar if he said it wasn't slightly arousing. Still it was far more infuriating than amusing.

He was growing impatient by your slow pace. The way you walked as though your leg were broken and you'd just been tasked with running on burning glass. His finger twitched, aching to snatch you and feel your body against his own but he, didn't necessarily want you to be afraid of him, atleast not completely.

"Yes Val-" you let out a noise of suprise you eyes widening when apoun reaching the moth overlord a arm that been previously hidend by the large coat he wore snached out of one of the cuffs firmly grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his arms holding you suffocatingly tight against his lean body.

He buried his face into your neck inhaling your delicious scent. You smelt sweet like scented candles or Chocolate. It was a strange yet inviting he left a teasing trail of nips and kisses from your collar bone up your neck until he'd found your ears. Latching on and sucking roughly.

A smirk comming to his lips as he felt your wimper and tremble against him, your hands gripping his coat for support and buried your face into the fluff of his collar. His hands romaned your body making sure not to neglected an inch of your being.  He growled and slowly brushed against the more sensitive areas of your body relishing in the sounds of your sweet crys and muffled moans as he made his way down your thighs.

You let out a loud moan, arching your back as you felt a large hand stroking your inmate regions.

You felt panicked despite the person he was you'd never gone this far. You didn't want this or him. He was a cruel, vile monster that had enslaved you. He was obsessed and horrific. So why? Why couldn't you stop?.

"Va-val" you wimperd on the verge of tears.

In a rare moment of tenderness he softly pet your hair. Cooing almost lovingly into your ear as he cradled you like a prescious object. "It's alright baby this is good, I'm gonna make you feel real good ok sugar" you shuffled softly against him as he countiuned.

"You just have to give yourself to me"


Soooo what do y'all think. This is my first lemon/ lemon ish chapter.

Also guess who fucking graduated today.

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