History repeats itself:Yandere Velvet X fem/male reader

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You hadn't seen this comming and truthfully you weren't sure if you could accept that fact. Especially when there was so mutch at stake and you had so little control now.

You didn't belong here and you didn't know what to except and if there was one thing you despised it was not knowing. To not have the upper hand on anything was as good as a death sentence to you. So how could you have let it get so out of control so fast.

Of course in your anxiety riddled, naturally overly thinking mind you had come up with thousands upon thousands perhaps even millions of ways this could have gone.

You had spent several months planning. To even the smallest detail you had analysed everything to perfection.

And after six sleepless months you had thought you were finally ready.

Truthfully though how prepared could you ever be to come face to face with a being that human logic didn't apply to.

Something far more powerful and unpredictable than anything in your plain of existence could ever hope to be.

Looking back now you were stupid to think that anything you had or any safety measures you had put in place could ever even remotely fase such a being.

Yet still even with these obvious warning signs you had still gone through with it.

You had still summoned a demon.

You had done it for you and for the ones you considered your family even if it wasn't by blood. They had taken you in when your biological one didn't want you and for that you'd do anything.

Even mess with things far beyond your understanding.

Like summoning a demon from Hell.

You knew how badly it could potentially fuck you up but what's one to do when there familys stability is On the line.

You had already lost Nathan to a damm shoot out, your mother practically insane because of it and now your sweet timid little sister had gone missing.

Just one tradegy after the other.

It was the oddest thing. Last you'd seen her she'd been safe at home, opting to stay and man the fort while you left to go visit your mother in the mental hospital. All the while your father was away on business.

You gave her a kiss on the cheek taken the flowers from her delicate shakey hands and bid her fair well.

You had taken care to make sure the maximum security was in full functionality before you left.

You wouldn't be carless again, not after Nathan.

When you had gotten home after hours of being out. Being quite reluctant to leave your mother's side and even taking time to go visit Nathan due to her incouragment.   The flowers originally meant for her now sat proudly atop a newly created grave stone. You had gone into a panic when you weren't met with a barriling hug upon entering the house.

You had tried to be calm at first, simply calling out her name a few times. Slowing getting more and more anxious as each call was met by chilling silence. Afterwards, you opted to frantically searching the house. You would have flipped the dam place if you could and that was practically what you had done.

After 30 minutes of paniced adrenaline induced serch you could be seen surrounded by an array of tipped furniture. The remains of broken armaments that had fallen as you uncaringly bumped into them in your desperate search lay forgotten breaking even more with each round you made.

The household that was usually prestein and spotless resembled the aftermath of a tornado.

She couldn't have been kidnapped the house was far too clean when you got home. The were no signs of struggle anywhere.

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