your loyal servant: Yandere Lilith and Lucifer X fem/male reader.

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It had been three months since you had begun working as a servant at the royal palace. You Upon having heard from a messager that new servents were required had instantly leapt at the golden opportunity.

Working as a servant especially for a higher up demon such as the various overlords was one of the best jobs an imp such as yourself could hope for in the harshness that was Hell and In all honesty it wasn't nearly as difficult or strict as you expected.

Sure there were expectations and rules that had to be upheld less you wish to face the consequences but that wasn't so different from any other job you've had thus far.
Rules that even the most dimwitted of demons could understand.

It was nearly impossible to forget them, for they were everywhere. Written in bold black ink upon notices in the servants quarters read.

1. The West of the palace and catacombs are strictly prohibited.

2. Any and all chores must be completed before 9pm. Failure to do so will result in punishment of varying degrees.

3. Never under any circumstances ever disobey orders from thier majesty's Lord and Lady Mange.

You had felt a huge weight lift off your back when you had first been told the rule's. You had initially mentally and physically prepared yourself for a seemingly never ending list of strange and impossible chores, task's and expectations. Only to be bewildered at the simplicity of the actual rules.

The house mother. A stern but nonetheless caring middle aged imp who wore old spectacles and had narrow eyes with a no nonsense business aura  had laughed at your reaction. Clearly use to it. Apparently the King and Queen were quite laid back so to speak. The king more so than the queen.

Ah yes the King and Queen.

You felt a cold rush of dread and unease run through you. Chilling your bones and racking your core.

If you had one bad thing to say about this place, it would be them.

Which was the strangest thing as they hadn't even do anything to cause such a strong reaction. Hell they hadn't even spoken to you before. Only ever given you looks.

They were strange calculating looks but never ones of Anger or hate.

You didn't need to fear for your life

You idly wonder if your sense of dread and unease were the work of your instincts. That being an imp your body was subconsciously telling you to be afraid. To flee from the predators. You were after all at the bottom of the hierarchy chain. You might as well be food.

You stopped and glared at the wall of the large luxurious hallway you had been walking through.

It was more than hard being an imp in hell. Everyone looked down on you or simply ignored you as though you weren't even there.

Like you didn't even matter.

But you could handle all of that. You could take all the discrimination, hatred and constant bad mouthing and abuse. Because it was Hell and what could you expect. You've delt with it all your life and you'd continue to do so as long as you shall live.

What you couldn't handle was being weak. Which was  what being a imp made you. You were small, frail and couldn't posses powers or magic like the other denizens of Hell could.

It wouldn't take much for one of them to kill you. A simple flick of a wrist or a few mutterd words was all it would take to send you to the void.

By simply existing you were at a disadvantage.

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