Marks: yandere Alastor X sir pentious

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"this wouldn't have happened had you listend to me darling" Alastor purred as he lovingly nursed his other half. A smirk came to his face as a soft hiss met his ears. Perhaps he was tugging alittle to roughly at the bandages. But he wouldn't say it wasn't deserved.  Afterall this was entirely the snakes fault and he should be greatful he had such a sweet lover to clean up the mess for him.

"Why do you insist on putting yourself in harm's way love" He pulled the snake closer who let out an reluctant grunt. He began running his gloved hands softly through the other demons long elegant oxny locks, letting out a soft breath as he felt Pentious relax slightly into his touch.

"I know it may seem cruel sweetheart, how I keep you here, how I keep you from everything and everyone" he paused feeling the demon in his arms tense. Hushing him softly and pressing a tender kiss to his hair he continued.

"But you must understand that I'm doing it only with your best interest in mind, I'm doing it to protect you" he leaned down until he was inline with pentious ear, watching with delight as the said snake shiverd at the feeling of Alastors breath on his skin. "I'm doing it because I love you"

"That's not how you love someone Alastor". Had it not been for deer overlords superior hearing he would have missed the words completely.

"You don't kidnap them, you don't isolate them from the world". Pentious stopped for a moment hanging his head low " you don't kill there friends"

Alastor hummend softly, reaching his hand down to cup the ex inventor's face. Looking into his eyes that had once been so full of light were now dull and seemingly dead. But to Alastor they had never been more beautiful.

"I know you liked them darling, but they were keeping you from me. Sweetheart, don't you understand?, You belong to me" Alastor trailed a finger from his lover's cheek to his lip softly rubbing the skin. "Don't you see that your mine?.

He paused observing Pentious. His eyes were calculating yet his smile never left his face. Something about it terrified the younger demon who felt his scales begin to tingle. A common warning sign of danger for a snake.

Perhaps this will remind you"

He pressed a passionate kiss to the smaller demons lips. Letting
his eyes flutter close and a deep purr escape him as he held pentious closer. Not at all caring that the snake wasn't kissing back in the slightest. Pentious bit his toung in an effort to stay silent when he felt Alastors claws begin to grow and digg into his freshly bandaged arms.

Tears pooled into his eyes and his breathing became raggard as the kiss continued, the gripp on his arms worsening by the second, digging into his already wounded flesh. Pentious whimpered as warm liquid began to pour from his wound, soaking the once white bandages and filling the room with a matalic scent.

Not being able to take the pain anymore Pentious pushed Alastors chest with as much strength as he could muster in his rather pathetic state, not at all considering the consequences of his sudden actions.

He only had a second to engulf as much air as he could before he was pinned to the floor, hand crushing his windpipe. The faint sound of static ringing in his ears increasingly getting louder. He opened his eyes only to met with a truly hellish sight.

Alastors teeth had grown longer and shaper desplaying the pitch black gums and anamalistic yellow teeth in all thier glory. His pupils were almost non existent while his iris was a deep blood red, glowing erily in the dark room. His antlers had tripled in size and was a twisting maze of sharp edges and haggard curl's, his arms and hands had also increased in size, perfect for catching pry.

He truly was a monster.

"Your life is completely in my hands so don't test my patience or tolerance" he screeched, his voice constantly changing in volume as the radio static got louder.

"A-alastor" Pentious gasped, clawing fruitlessly at the massive hands around his neck. "Stop!".

Alastor sneered. His smile feral.

"I try to show you my love and this is how you repay me!, Perhaps if I branded you everyone will know who you belong to, including yourself my darling!"

Pentiouses widend as fear quickly overtook him. "Wait Alastor please!"

"SILENCE" Alastor pressed his claws roughly into his captives neck. "Don't try and stop this and don't you dare even think about trying to hide my claim"

Alastor brought the hand that was holding a struggling Pentious up to look his lover in the eyes.

"Everyone is going to see my marks, everyone is going to see how much we love each other. You brought this on yourself my dear"

"And your going to pay for it"


Annnnnnd that's a wrap. Ok I know the request was yandere sir pent but I couldn't think up anything that would match his character. Also sorry for not updating in a while school and life has been kicking my ass. But anyway what is your guys thoughts on this?

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