my little dove: yandere vox X fem reader

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"Fucking dammit really!" Vox cursed growling, his eyes narrowed and brows furrowed as he felt the tug of a summon. It wasn't a rare occurrence but fuck was it inconvenient as a summoned couldn't reject it no matter what they were in middle of. "See ya voxy! thanks for your generous donations" he felt even more anger rise within him, his screen face turning red as he watched Valentino cheekily smirk and give a little wave putting all the winnings of the interrupted poker game in to a valentino white bag(I had to). "VALENTINO YOU FUCKING DIC-" vox never got to finish as he was sucked away in a blue tornado. "Somebody's going to fucking die" being the last thought on his mind. When the twirling stopped he found himself in a living room. White carpet two long black couches on each side a small table in between them with large  book shelves and photos hanging on the walls. He tured and looked at the drawn pentagram on the wall a flat screen in the middle.  He raised a eyebrow in confusion and suprise, that was strange as that was his specific summon meaning the summoner was asking for him and no one else. Every demon capable of doing deals had thier own summon however most humans simply went with the old pentagram and candels random Latin Chanting and who ever they got they fucking got. "Oh wow it actually that" His eyes narrowed more at the voice, so this was the sorry fuck who summoned him in the middle of a poker game witch he was winning!. turning around. "Yeah it fucking worked what were you expecting a tiny gremlin with a forked ass!. He barked sarcastically and was going to make another comment when he froze at the sight on this human. She was...the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen dare he say.... angelic with (h/l) (h/C) that framed her face like a portrait painted by DaVinci himself. (S/C) that was flawless and look so soft to touch he felt his hand twitch,with a need to  test his theory. However by far his most favourite thing about you was your (E/C) eyes how the shun and glimmed like gemstones the look of innocence and kindness beaming in them, showing him the soul that be would make his. He panicked slightly such a pure creature would certainly go to heaven upon death being claimed by the angels and the God that had abandoned them in hell to rot for entirely until they were swiped away like dust in the yearly cleanse. NO no no no he wouldn't let that happen.. he'd....he'd convince you to make a deal! that's it that was the way! he'd have you in is arms soon and he was never going to let you go. He was going to continue his musing when your voice stole his attention effortlessly. "Umm mister demon are..are you ok?" Your adorable concernd exspression and shy smile was enough to make him feel like short circuiting. "Hello angel my name's vox who are you and why have you summoned me?" Your eyes widened in realisation a soft blush painting your cheeks at the compliment and in embarrassment at your reason for summoning him you weren't sure you could say your name as names hold power and you weren't sure of the effects it would have. "Um the reason I summoned you was..well..because I got dared...." You rubbed your arm nervously praying that this flat screen demon wouldn't be angry. "You summoned me because of a dare?......" Vox asked in disbelief wearing a "are you serious" look, his head tilted slightly. "Well..yeah" you spoke akwardly.  you cleared your throat " didn't think it would know work though" you laughed nervously rubbing the back of you head bitting your lip. Vox watched your action in slow motion desperately trying to hold himself back from kissing you and scaring you away he couldn't risk he couldn't!
"You didn't answer my question lovely creature what is your name I'd like to put a name to the art piece" he said winking a small smirk on his face. You stared at him for the longest time debating whether or not you should say your name. Sighing you answered slowly and hesitantly (y/n) names.....(y/n) you flinched waiting for you to be taken kicking and screaming into hell only for it never to happen. You huffed relived. Vox was estatic "what a fantastic name" he  yelled excited throwing his arms up, a large smile on his face walking towards you "a gorgeous name for a gorgeous women" he leaned down closer to your face his 8"1 towering over your small frame. "But I ask what is it that you desire my sweet (y/n) his hand shaked feeling him self breaking his need to not scare you being crushed because he wanted you no he needed you now.
Gently placing a hand on your cheek as though you were porcelain and would break at the slightest touch his smile becoming more demented,teeth growing sharper originally making them appear blunt as to not scare you.
"Anything you want I'll make it happen for a small price my sweet just speak it" he wisperd pining you to the wall cooing at the flustered look your face. "Umm I don't really want anything...... You began pushing at his chest gently. "Nothing little dove? truly no need for Wealth,fame no one you wish to...protect?. You looked down at that, your family coming to mind, being reminded about your situation, your family being apart of the mafia always left them in harm's way,just last year you had lost your brother Nathan to a shoot out it had left your family devastated and your poor mother never fully recovered being driven slightly insane, you had tried to keep everyone's spirts up but it was had been hard. You thought silently, if you made a deal with this demon your family could live happily, never needing for money or anything, never having too watch your backs for a painted target the  fear of falling asleep and never waking up being a distant memory all for the small price Of your soul.... Taking a deep breath you opend your eyes the demon still having you against the wall "I will make a deal with you.....I want my family to be safe never needing of anything and to be happy for this I..I will give you my.. soul. Vox grinned sharper feeling him self shake in happyness and excitement so so SO very soon you'd be his forever and no one was going stop him. He reached his hand out eagerly, twitching slightly. You slowly reached your hand out to his, taking a breath before shaking, your conjoined hands glowing in a blue light  illuminating your faces and the surrounding area before it suddenly vanished leaving the room as it once was,not a thing out of place. Blinking a few times in shock you looked back at vox who was grinning widely a insane look in his eyes his body shaking softly his Gripp becoming tighter, not letting your hand go. You started to worry trying to pull your hand back hitting his chest when his wouldn't budge "he-hey vox you got my soul now so time for you to go..vox let go vox!" but still he only continued to smile before pulling your hand towards him effectively moving you forward so that your noses were touching "oh my sweet dove I don't want your soul...I want you. With that he slammed your lips together holding you posessivly before letting go to smirk at your tomato face and wide eyes your mouth hangging open in shock. Grabbing your chin he wisperd in your ear "your mine now and forever no one but even god will part is my pure sweet dove". Before taking you back to hell in a burst of blue a portal engulfing the both of you vox holding you close to him placing kisses all over your neck and face his hand romming happily because now his little dove was his and would forever be his.

Anyway hope you enjoyed that. Hopefully was satisfactory. If you have any more requests please ask! and feedback is always appreciated

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