your loyal pet: yandere lilith and lucifer x fem/male reader part 2

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"I can't believe you"

You bit your tung, suppresing a scream as the whip was once again brought down on your bare body with a thunderous crack. A lingering moment of sharp stinging passed, leaving you with a sense of numbness allowing for a sliver   of relief before an eruption of blinding agony spread throughout your being.

You grimaced and grit your fangs as a warm liquid poured from your tung and a matalic taste filled your mouth. It would be a pain to eat anything from then on but you wouldn't let them hear you scream. You wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing they got to you.


You couldn't remember how long you'd been here, in this, dungeon? It seemed. You couldn't tell, your eyes had blurred and sight wasn't a luxury you had at the moment.  Your "corrections" had gotten longer after each failed escape attempt, when your captors realised that a simple lash or two wasn't going to sway you from trying your dammdest to leave this place.

Even if it was fruitless to try.

Even if there was truly no place in hell or earth where you could hide from them.

Except perhaps Hevean.

You mentally snorted, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. There was absolutely no chance that such "Pure" perfect beings would allow a hell born such as your self amongst their ranks

Just an imp.

An imp that had some how gained the twisted affection of Hell's very own rulers. The worst of the worst.

It was official, you were certain that god for whatever reason hated you.

Who else could be responsible for such unfortunate events than a very spiteful and very bored god.

It's not like you'd ever get the chance to ask him yourself though and you wouldn't ever dare voicing your thoughts to your.... lover's.

Daring to do such bold  things is what gets you in the type of situation your in now. Chained in a dungeon half blind and nearly but not quite dead.

Still a torture session had never been this long before and in all honesty you didn't know how much longer you could stay conscious. Or stay sane for that matter.

A Shakey breath left you. Pained low pitch groaning muffed by blood. You hung your head as the weight of exhaustion finally caught up to you. Before your could close your eyes and slip into a  blissful unconsciousness however, a sudden painful jolt flashed throughout you. It was uncomfortable and unwelcome, like a bucket of ice cold water had just been dumped on your aching and beaten body. 

"Don't even think about it darling" you flinched as the command met your ears.

That voice held so much venom you couldn't help but feel a spark of fear flow through you. Your tail twitched subconsciously as your heart rate quickened.

You fought not to flinch and growl as the queen cupped your cheeks, her cool hands being admitly soothing against your heated skin. You could even feel yourself ever so slightly lean into her touch as much as you hated yourself for it.

you had become a tad bit touch staved after who knows how long hours of abuse.

Although that was most likely the intention of the ruthless king and queen.

The king more so than the queen. Who took great pleasure in dealing damage to you. Each strike  stronger than the one before it, each cut deeper than the last. Oh but the queen was not One to be underestimated either.

her left hand was no slouch these days. You could say that from first hand experience.

Those were the worst days.

"Now now dear you can't rest just yet not until you tell us what exactly was going through your mind when you yet again tried to leave the palace grounds with telling us and with no protection"

You wined softly and shook your head slowly in an attempt to loosen Lilith's titanium grasp on you.

"I believe she asked you a question darling. You should know better than to disobey. Remember what's the number one rule~" Lucifer tuted in a sing song tune, tapping you on you head.

Like an owner would to a pet.

That's all you were to them after all.

They adored you that's what they claimed. But then again they also claimed they wouldn't hurt you. That to them you were the most precious most important thing in all the realms. Yet here you were, chained down broken and booldied your back scarred an angry red.

It was a never ending cycle.

You would attempt to escape after one to many forced acts of affection only to be found and punished until you understood what you did was wrong than you'd be fucked for a lack of a better word until you couldn't tell what was up and what was down.

So yes they adored you but they sure as hell didn't love you.

Not that it mattered to them of course.


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