Feeling: Yandere Baxter x fem/male reader part 2

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Being the ever overthinking man that he was Baxter had come up with atleast a thousand different plans on how to effectively settle you into his home, well it was your home now as well, even if you did strongly refuse it.

Just because you weren't allowed to roam around as freely as you would like. You had quite clearly and quite vilontently stated your displeasure with your circumstances.

But what was he to do? Every time he  thought he could trust you enough to allow free roam you tried to leave. It happened every single time you thought he wasn't watching you.

It was rather naive of you to think for even a second that he hadn't installed cameras all throughout the house and even some carefully hidden in your items. The two robots he had made as bodyguards for you had cameras in thier eyes which were noticeable if you looked hard enough.

Case and point he had already known that there'd be at least a little stubbornness on your end. 

He understood, really he did being brought to a new home so suddenly
must have been a bit of a shock to you and perhaps he could have been a tad
bit slower and gentle about easing you into such a drastically different environment that want somebody
like you must have not been used to. 

Baxter wasn't known to be a very patient man but he was trying his best for you.
It just irked him when you behaved so stubbornly. It was a good thing he had prepared before hand what to do if you ever got a bit unruleyl.

Although he had to admit It had made observing you so much easier (it was easy to take notes when you weren't trying to stab him). Aswell seing you wrapped up in all those chains sparked something in him that he couldn't describe.

"Let me the fuck out of here you psycho"

He let out a soft sign, resting his cheek on his perched hand. A sad frustrated frown painting his face.

Your vulgar habit was something he'd have to work on too.

A few tuts fell from his lips in a manner similar to when one was disciplining a disobedient child.

"(Y/n), sweetheart there's no need for such profanities" he said softly, reaching out a hand to cup your cheek, blatantly ignoring the growls and the faint flash of red in your eyes as he made contact.

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, savouring the smoothness of your skin beneath his hand taking in the alien sensations and mysterious warmth that creeped up his cheeks.

This was all so strange to the scientist.

He had never truly connected with anyone before, having been neglected all his life had left him clueless, touch starved, lonely, lost and in pain.

It had been a long time since he bottled these weaknesses however, so long that he had forgotten what they were.

He buried his pain and sadness under fascinations and interests until he couldn't even understand what he was feeling anymore.

Yet he had never felt the things he did until he met you and he was desperate to understand them he wanted to learn how to feel again even if he wasn't aware that was what he wanted.

And he wanted above all to do it with you. His obsession.

"Your skins so soft, is it because of the body washes you use or because you swim alot?. He began to ramble completely blind to the way your face morphed from rage to confusion to realization and back to rage,in that order.

"Iv noticed you have a routine with your body washes. You'll use one for an entire week and than rotate on Sunday,unless you go swimming on Wich case you mix two body washes together and-"

And stopped himself noticing your bewildered exspression.

"I mean that's just what the data says anyway I could get you some of those body washes if it would please you- I also noticed you liked tea-"

"Just stop"

"O-ok" he shut himself up at your words.

Honestly you didn't know what to make of any of this. First you were kidnapped by this small creepy stalker gremlin, you weren't allowed to even move around normally and you hadn't had tea in god knows how fucking long.

You weren't pleased.

"First of all" you attempted to point a finger at him through the bindings.
"You fucking suck" he raised a finger and opened his mouth to speak only to be met with a loud "shhhh" he shut his mouth quickly " second of all your a fucking creep you know that?!" You glared as he shuffled in his seat "honestly how long have you been stalking me for!? Wait a minute were you the one who took my shirt!?"

Baxter froze for a second the memory of him placing that old worn shirt on to his pillow and cuddling with it like a teddy bear came to mind. He chose to stay silent on the matter however.

That second was all you needed to get your answer though.

"Fucking wow" you took a deep breath and Baxter had never felt so small.

"And thirdly! Yes you can go get me some fucking tea that I've missed for God knows how long because of you! and yes you can go get me some body wash you fucking pervert but I swear if I find any photos or anything I will make you regret falling into Hell. You miserable little gremlin!"

Baxter opened his mouth once again to speak. "NOW" you roared , the chains being the only thing keeping you from breaking his legs.

You watched as he silently rose up from his chair and bolted out of the room shouting at what you guessed was one of his dammed robots for a pice of paper and pen.

You signed and leaned back.

"You didn't know how long you'd be here or how long you'd be in the company of the crazy gremlin for but one thing you did know was that as long as you were here you'd be in comfort even if you had to fight tooth and nail for it.

Poor Baxter didn't realize how much he'd fucked himself by kidnapping you.

But you were going to make sure that when you were done he'd be begging for whatever fate the exterminators had for him.

Because being stick with a pissed of you was a fate worse than anything in the nine circles could ever bestow upon him.

He was going to suffer.


Oh boy that was long. So what did you guys think of this? Any requests for me?

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