well meet again! some sunny day! yandere alastor X fem/male reader

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Good golly your voice was breath taking, like a angelic quoir! lifting the spirts of these pathetic fools like a god on a pedestal, untouchable and pure. Your enchanting words possessing and controlling the attention of the audience, as though you had seized Thier minds like a snake charmer. He'd know!... after all, he was one of these pathetic fools!, that had been hooked on the end of your rhythmic string reeling him in like prey. Why! he was probably the biggest fool of them all! He had practically hooked himself onto that fishing line with pure utter glee and he'd do it again in a instant!, All the while wearing his most favourite outfit, his face stretching smile. However there was a difference between him and these people, that being he had been hooked on this fishing line for far longer than any of them. While you may brighten thier days and nights in the mist of this depression with your preforming, you had become his soul reason for existing as he did, you were his light in the never ending darkness that was his life, and boy you bet your nickel he had clung to you as a moth did a flame. Following you were ever you went watching over you as a good lover and protector should your gaurdian "angel" if you would. To be completely honest with himself though he wasn't sure how much longer he could stand this distance in your relationship, while he was certain you two were meant and would be together and would one day wed making you rightfully his forever. He knew that you only saw him as a close child hood friend, having known each other since your dippar days, him being only 2 months older than you. Hell even as a unaware innocent toddler he knew how important you were to his life by all mighty above (y/n) was his first word! That's a sign if he's ever seen one!. It started out  with him as a small boy quite innocently he supposed, only wanting to see you and be around you to play games like pretend all day long his favourite game of all was family life although that's what you called it he called it preparation. until he had to be told to go home by your mother saying it's to dark and his parents will get worried "time for you to go sweety" he chuckled darkly remembering how he had repeated those exact words to her before slicing her apart and feeding her to the crocs in the bayou. Oh how devastated you were when found out your poor sweet mother had gone missing! but that's okay because your "best friend forever!" good ol crackerjack Alastor was there to comfort you holding you as you cried in your room wispering words of comfort in a attempt to soothe you petting your soft hair and humming a song. He quite enjoyed that night, having you in his arms made his head light and his eyes heavy yours crys being the sweetest music to him. He thought these feelings  would begin to die down as he grew and became a young man but no! If anything they only grew and so did the cruelty and length of his methods to keep you under his thumb believing that he was the only one in this world you could trust so that you'd never leave...so that you'd never want to leave. From threatening people at gun point to harass you so that he could be your saviour increasing his reputation in your eyes only to kill the same people he threatened later....why? because they harassed you of course! To killing your friends even some of witch were his friends, all  because they got a little to close for his liking....mimzy the poor flapper gal, found dead in a pond seemingly dropped dead of fright! And as the years passed and his love grew so did your ability to make others flock like helpless chickens to you. You were quite a famous performer now singing and piano being your main talents. It made him furious no  absolutely livid that he had to share his beloved (y/n) with these unworthy animals, who only desired to do terrible terrible things he just knew it! . Oh but you weren't completely innocent ethier! he saw the way you enjoyed them watching you,how you entertained them with a oblivious smile on your face as though you didn't know his suffering and his dark thoughts. But it was all going to be ok because tonight heed make you his one way or another... He smiled insainly his upstanding citizen mask cracking temporally revealing his true skin that akin to a monster. He was brought out of his memories and thoughts by the loud sound of clapping and cheering hoots and hollers all in your direction beggining for even the slightest knowlegdment. Alastor head snapped to attention at the sound of your gorgeous voice having the same effect of a whistle to a dog. " Thank you! Thank you for coming out tonight everyone! He looked up to see you on the stage, a cheerful smile on your face waving to the crowed your body illuminated by the spot light making you look like a true angel, the piano you have performed with behind you, forgotten as soon as you left it. He watched from the shadows, hundreds of people comming up to congratulate you on your performance. his smile grew sharper his eyes narrowing as a man gave you a handshake deciding then that it was time to take you away.
"Fantastic show as always (y/n) my dear!'  he watched happily how you turned to look at him a beaming smile on your face "Al! You came!" he felt his own smile grow genuine as you walked over a threw your arms around him, hugging your childhood friend gently. "Why of course! how could I ever dream of missing one of the great (y/n)s performances!" He said with a beaming smile, playful sarcasm in his voice, if only you knew he truly meant every word of it"aww Al that's not funny! don't tease me" you laughed playfully punching him in the shoulder giggling. After all was said and done and the last of those attention stealing air wasters left. Alastor turned to you putting his plan in motion, "Say! (Y/N) it's quite the late hour" he said showing you his pocket watch that read 10:30pm, the hands making a soft tick with each second. "Why don't you stay at my place it's only a bit aways and in the morning I Can give a tour ant that a swell idea" You beemed "Really Al you don't mine?" you rubbed the back of your neck sheeply "Iv been wanting to see your new house!" for a while! butttt... never got around to it and for that im sorry.  Alastor chuckled trying to stop him self from bursting and laughing with all the insanity he desired, this couldn't have been going better you were playing right into his trap. "Oh that's alright dear because now you can!"

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