three green bottles standing on a wall: Alastor X alcoholic reader

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Alastor flinched and felt his smile tighten as he watched you down another bottle of that disgusting liquor. It was neverending. When one bottle finished another would always appear, only to be gone as quickly as it came. Truly you could give Husker a run for his money. Now acoholics were as common in Hell as orphans in 1929.  You couldn't stroll to the store with seeing atleast 20 of the fools!. Sad, Miserable, pathetic fools. That's what Alastor always thought of them.

You however were... a special case.
Alastor didn't know what to think when it came to you. He didn't like watching you drink until you were a flumbling mess on the floor to mock and torment, which was a practise that he usually found so very entertaining. When he had first met you it was a different case. Alastor sighed it seemed so long ago. You were the second real patient of this... Rehabilitation hotel, after that  effeminate fellow Angel dust. Alastor shuddered at the memory of his first encounter with that thing. Alastor didn't know what it was but he was drawn to you. He liked having your attention even if it was negative. He found the way you would cuss him out and attempt to hit him when he cursed all your drinks to turn into apple juice apon you touching them absolutely hilarious, it gave him a thrill like no other. He continued to torment you in anyway possible, just to keep your attention on him just to see how far he could push. Slowly however as the months passed. The joy he got from seeing your reactions to his madness lessened until he was in the position he was in now. Confused.

Alastor felt different whenever he saw you now. He didn't know what it was and he didn't like not knowing things, he was so used to being one step ahead of every one around him. In the very back of his mind he could feel something familiar about it, like he had once felt it before but decades had passed since, leaving it to be just a faint memory.

He watched as you downed what was it, your fifth bottle now? and decided it was time he intervened.

You were sitting at the bar. Husker who was cleaning glasses eyes hardened and brows furrowed apon seeing him approaching. Alastor grinned at him only to be met with a scowl and a warning look. He placed a hand on your shoulder and watched as you tensed and flung your head around, a look a blinding rage on your face. "Darling" he began. "I think you've had enough for tonight" he moved back as you swatted his arm away and growled " fuck off Al-ass-tor you aint my papa" he adjusted his monecl and sighed "thankfully I am no one's father" he glared at husker, radio static began to grow in volume around him "that cat" he hissed venom on his tung "is a bad influence on you"  his head snapped when the feline dared to open his mouth " it's about time you leaved (y/n) the fuck alone you radio bastard" his smile became menacing as he beared his teeth at the suicidal cat, truly husker never knew when to shut his mouth, that is what got him killed afterall.

"My my Husker i'v always wondered if cats do indeed have nine lives" he felt his form start to shift "would you help me find out" he stepped forward  only to thrown back as you punched him in the face, sending his monecl crashing On to the floor.

Did his heart just skip a beat?.

He grinned excitingly "quite the arm you have on you dear" he praised. "Your insane" you barked your comment was met with a sound of agreement from Husk as he poured you another drink. Alastor stepped back and you silently cheered. Was the fucker finally going to leave you alone?. You blinked for a second and spat your drink out in suprise. That mother fucker. You were no longer at the bar but in your room the bastard had actually teleported you. You groaned and set your glass down on the bed side table and ran a hand through your hair. You should have known better than. to expect that he'd listen, he never listened. Ever since you came to this place he'd been up your ass. Always watching always there with his stupid smile his stupid monocle and his stupid fluffy deer tail and ears. Your head felt light, the beginning of a headache you recognised. You closed your eyes, maybe if you relaxed for a bit it would go away. "Darling".

God fucking dammit.

"Fuck off" you groaned but Alastor paid no mind to it a glass of water in his clawed hand and a tablet in his other. "Here dear it will make you feel better" your eyebrow raised as he handed you the cup. You wouldn't put it past him to poison it or some shit. Alastor would do anything for a good laugh. Oh well what did you have to lose anyway?. You grabbed the pill and took a gulp of water and to your delight the headache began to fade. "Thanks you said quietly but gratefully, shooting a small smile in the overlords direction. Alastor watched you as a look of suprise and delight made its way to your face. A feeling swelling his chest. Happy...he was happy. He froze finally understanding why it was so familiar to him. He had only ever felt happy  with his mother, he had only ever loved his mother. Or so he thought. He gave you a genuine smile "your welcome dear" he said grabbing the cup from you and sending who knows where. He wached as you got underneath your sheets as you prepared to go to sleep. He stood there conflicted with himself. Should he confront you about his newly discovered feelings,should he leave or-" he was cut off by you calling his name. "Al" you paused "why you still here" he was silent for a few minutes before speaking. "May I kiss you dear" you blinked in suprise not sure if what you were hearing was right. "W-what" you stutted. Alastor approached you leaning over you on the bed "darling i'v made a discovery and I need proof to see if it's true" you stared at him like a deer in headlights "and what would that be.....?" You said slowly. "I believe I may have...that I may fancy you" you froze. He thinks he might like you, him Alastor the same demon who had been an ass since you arrived. You sighed quietly, why not? You weren't going to remember this anyway if the alcohol had a say in it. Alastor made a nosie of suprise when you snached your arm out and kissed him deeply. He had only a few seconds to kiss you back before it was over. It hadn't expected you to be so willing. He enjoyed it quite a bit, he discovered, he was going to tell you this when he realised you had fallen right asleep. He smiled softly and chuckled gently leaning down to kiss your forehead. "Good night (y/n)" and with that he left already planning on how to woo you and make you his.


Oh yeah the reader is gender neutral.

Thoughts was it good bad, rushed? Let me know.

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