Dog person: yandere Lonna x fem/male reader

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You had never been a big fan of dogs.
It wasn't because of their messy habits or the time it took to train them or even how they seemed to make it thier mission to take up all the space in an apartment no matter how large or grand.

No, it was because of their neediness. The constant desire for attention was what deter you from getting a hound. You were simply just to busy!, Being the queens assistant required you to be away frequently, usually for moths at a time.

And you ABSOLUTELY Refused to get a pet sitter. You wouldn't have some complete stranger in your home for any period of time without you knowing exactly where they were ever second or what they were doing. It was far too risky. You'd be leaving all your tomes of ancient magic, that in the wrong hands could prove devastating, completely unattended.

Not to mention the fact that you  preferred complete privacy, and to let someone you didn't have control of in your home would violate that.

So yes, it was quite clear that you had no desire nor need to get a dog of any kind for the foreseeable future. Or ever.

Or so it had seemed... You didn't really have a choice in the matter as of now.

You supposed this was God's way of punishing you. You had said you didn't want a dog and now you were stuck with a raving mad, instinct driven Hell Hound. It was... ironic you supposed. 

A low growl rumbled in your throat, a gutteral sound. your nails dug into the exspesive fabric of the loveseat you were sitting on. The red velvet  being effective in disguising the crimson liquid that poured from your ring finger as your nail snapped.

A warning. Next time you wouldn't be so merciful.

This pup was trying your patience and that thread of self control that was keeping you from maming this girl was thining. Dangerously so.

You just hoped her associates from that organisation... What was it called again?. Ah, yes you remembered now... i.m.p would arrive to collect thier pet before you decided it wasn't worth the effort and time to keep alive.

you gritted your teeth, the actions made an unpleasant grinding noise but you paid it no mind. Your attention was captivated by the unwanted guest that was desperately trying to sneak up to you discreetly. 

And failing, very very miserably.

A low frustrated sigh escaped you, your browns were lowerd in what one would easily assume to be anger. You glanced at the grandfather clock that stood proudly by the left wall in your living room.


Your eye twitched as you clenched your jaw. Your patience was almost at its limit.

"Where in the bloody Hell are those fools!" You were seething, this was ridiculous! you had informed those imps 5 hours ago that Thier little front desk guard dog had somehow founds its way into your home all the way from imp city.

Did they all want to face your wrath?.

Perhaps her life for an unlimited amount of assassinations free of charge wasn't worth it.

You continued to ponder it, zoning out from the world around you.

Seeing your distracted state, your mind lost in thoughts of imp murder. The hound in question took it apoun herself to provide comfort, a relief to your, her mates obvious anger and huffy mood.

She crouched low on all fours, her normally straightened grey fur was now in a state on piloerection as it had been for the past month. Slowly developing until she resembled one of those fluff balls that would usually be seen dangling at the end of a key chain.

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