Only you:yandere lucifer X Lilith

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" He's dangerous Lilith! Please for the love of God stay far away from him"

Lilith didn't understand why everyone was afraid of lucifer. The same lucifer who loved apples and polka music. Who always greeted her with complements and helped her with class, who loved singing and dancing as though he were as Disney character. The same Lucifer who was so sweet and why..why was everyone so hell bent on running at even the slightest indication of his presence, as though he were the devil himself. However now, waking up on a soft bed,chains around her wrists and ankles, surrounded by rose petals, a hand gentely running through her platinum blonde locks and two familiar golden hell fire eyes boring into her from above...she thinks she just might understand now.
"Do you need any assistance with study today dearest Lilly flower?"
Lilith smiled softly when a familiar bouncy voice reached her ears. The soft rays of sunset that shone through the large windows of a now emptying classroom illuminating her in a soft glow of golds,reds and oranges. Her smile grew as she peered down at the owner of such a chipper voice,her childhood friend Lucifer. He was rocking on his heel,hands clasped behind him, the same seemingly permanent teethish grin stretching across his pale face. "I could use the help thanks" she responded tierdly, the ealier math lesson draining her energy like a ravenous leach. She felt her shoulders drupe, the warmth on her back reminding her of the soft warm blanket and cosy bed that awaited her. "Are you alright dear? you look positively exhausted" the happy puppy dog like exspression on her goofy friends face fanished in a instant, morphing into one of great concern as he stepped forward to inspect her. His eyes roamed over her figure intensely trying to find the source of such discomfort, his golden eyes narrowed and smile sharper. "Your are right about one thing" she chuckled softly "I am indeed ready to "hit the hay". With that, Lucifer being the actor he his let out a dramatic gasp "now now Lilly flower! don't pass out just yet, why! I still haven't shown you the suprize! I got you Oh! Ill be absolutely HEART broken if I couldn't show you after all the work..." Lucifer laughed merrily twirling on his heel, his hand pressed against his forehead while the other was pressed against his heart, his mood switching from concernd to cheerful and delighted in a flash, this was a habit of his she realised. "Come now Lilith my dearest, your chariot awaits! chop chop we have tests to study for!" With that lucifer began skipping away whistling a lighthearted tune, his arms swinging by his side. Lilith began following him chuckling lightly, shaking her head at his antics, he always knew when something was wrong, and he always knew how to fix it. She began to slowly frown however as she heard the wisperd of her fellow students. "It's him" "stay clear" "monster" "why she hanging out with him" "doesn't she know" "poor girl"
"He'll eat her alive" Lilith just didn't understand it, it was the enigma of all enigmas to her. Why, just why did every one detest Lucifer so much!. She wached as people parted ways as they saw him comming, like a school of tuna as a shark approaches. Why did everyone avoid him, run from him treat him as though he were some savage, crule monster without conscience or a heart!. Lucifer who she had never seen hurt or so much as insult another soul. Lucifer who was so kind,so sweet and so gentle to her, who always helped her, who was even now helping her. She gritted her teeth and glared furiously at the people as she passed by, no one was going to talk Ill of her friend, not while she was here!, and so she glared at them,she glared at them as though she was trying to burns holes through Thier skin, through Thier bone and  right down to Thier souls, and she would continue to do so as she was exiting the highschools entryway. She shook her head sadly,it had always been this way even when they were just innocent oblivious little children, 15,12,17,5 it didn't matter what age, he'd always be a outcast, but she wouldn't abandoned him, no she'd always be his friend, shed always be there when no one else was and she was going to keep it that way. Loyalty was always very important to her and it always would be. She was brought out of her thoughts by a laugh "my my dear, such a exspression! what's made you so angry? why such a scary face?. His cheerful tone and smile never wavering "did someone...anger you...did someone...HURT you. His tilted his head, his smile becoming shaper "come now Lilith tell me who caused such a exspression" Although his tone was light and happy there was, something else, something dangerous. She took a step back purely on instinct "dosent it bother you Lu, how they treat you, how they talk about you" she shifted slowly on her foot nervously. She wasn't sure how he would react to that question, he was a very random and spontaneous person afterall. To her suprize and bafflement he started to giggle "oh Lilly flower" he smiled softly "I don't give a damm what they think, never have and never will!, they aren't important" "Now!" he chirped "no time to waist! let us be off my dear" with that he bowed to her and held the car door open,like the perfect gentelman he was raised to be.

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