sharing is caring: Yandere Mange family x Fem/male reader

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Charlotte or charlie as she liked to be called now days, had been very skittish as of late. Or perhaps skittish wasn't the right word. she'd been nervous, really jumpy.

This was strange for the Princess who you knew to be for the most part oozing confidence and blinding hope. Her happy go lucky aura was almost suffocating at times.

You didn't dislike it though, not at all. While others detested it, particularly the cess pool that was the council and the other higher ups of Hells society.

You loved the positivity and the rainbows and the glitter. It was a breath of fresh air here in Hell.

Your sweet little princess was pleasantly unique to everyone of her "denizens".

She wasn't a asshole.

But she certainly was protective to the point were it was borderline possessive.

Which was ironic considering the fact that you'd been her bodyguard since she was in her mother's womb.

You supposed it was somewhat flattering to be so well liked by the Princess that she'd instruct her little goat pets companions? To protect you if needed.

It was kinda cute you wouldn't lie.

And by the looks of things you'd probably need them soon if today was going to be anything like you expected it to be.

She hadn't told you (she never told you) but judging from her strange behavior you could give an estimated guess as to what was going on today and the cause of her behavior.

Her parents, the king and queen were coming for a visit weren't they?.

That was just, perfect. You let out a low stretched out sigh. The beginning of what looked to be a terrible headache starting to form from just the thought.

You had mixed feelings about the monarchs.

They were the exact opposites of each other in every way yet as equally infuriating.

Now the king, you had expected to be at least a little bit crazy. He had been in Hell since the beginning after all and eons stacked a upon eons of being stuck in this eternal pit of suffering was bound to drive anyone insane.

Not to mention his just overall unpredictable personality and constant need to keep everyone on thier toes for his own amusement.

Because he was y'know an asshole.

Just being in his presence alone was enough to make you uneasy. It always had. It was especially at it's worst when you resided at the Palace, serving under his command. The memory of those random days was still fresh in your mind.

When he became 'touchy' with you. Petting your hair and dragging you around the palace only to make you sit for hours and watch him do paper work, occasionally asking you an array of random non professional off topic question only to be met with neutral answers on your part and you with disappointment in return.

And then there was the queen.

You didn't even know where to start when it came to her.

From what you had gatherd from the centuries you acted as a guard in the royal palace she had always been composed regal and hevaily politically charged. Lucifer may have been the figured head but for those of you who got to see the two interact on a daily basis it was clear who was really 'running' hell.

She had this presence to her that always made you hyper aware that person you were dealing with was someone to be respected and feared and you admired that strength. To manny, including you she was considered the sane to Hells bat shit insanity.

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