Well shit im a bodygaurd now:Mafia Au Angel dust X Charlie

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"Anothy I want you to meet your new partner, miss Charlotte Mange"

Anthony took one long inhale of his cigar, indifference clear in his expression and gesture. His gaze lazily shifted from his father to the sickig ly out of place newcomer.

The Don's daughter.

If he couldn't see the obvious resblence between the two. Anthony would have thought this entire damm thing was a joke.

The woman, no girl Infront of him looked about five seconds from bursting. If the way she fiddled with the hem of her dress or the way she rocked on her foot was any indication.

She looked breakable, like a porcelain doll and was dressed like a princess out of a fairy tail. Two things he certainly didn't exspect from someone who was apart of the Mange family. Lucifer's daughter no less.

The girl, Charlotte beamed up at him and Anthony could actually feel himself wince at how bright it was.

Her large oxny doe like eyes bored into his own forest green with a mixture of joy, hopefulness and nervousness.

She was searching for something and he didn't know what.

"Nice to meet you Anthony my name's Charlotte but please just call me Charlie. I look forward to working with you!"

He kept his face neutral as he took her hand in a firm shake.

"Same here toots"

He could feel the burning stare of his father crawling on his back.

"I'm glad to hear it miss Mange"
his father's voice was light, happy. It made the words that fell from his mouth sound alien.

Anthony felt his body stiffen as his father placed a hand on his shoulder, his grip far tighter than it needed to be. He bit down on the nearly finished cigar in his mouth, his pocketed hand balling into a fist being wary of the knife that was housed there. He was trying his dammdest to keep himself somewhat composed.

"Anthony here is a real quick shot, he'll keep you safe. Ain't that right Anthony?"

He ran his finger over the blade of the conceled knife. He knew a threat when he heard one.

"Yes sir" the words were hard and laced with anger. Despite how much he tried to hide it. His eyes locked with the ground.

"There's a good lad" he winced as three had pats met his back.

"I assure you ma'am nothing's going to touch you with him on the look out"

His lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers.

The look she gave him was.... confusing.
Her thin brows were forrowed and a small frown played on her lips. Her eyes were locked on his form filled with... concern. He didn't know how to feel about that.

He was confused and angry that some stranger would show concern for him when not even his own family would.

It was slightly depressing.

Although a small part of him felt... relived that it was possible for people to actually feel those type of things towards him. He'd never admit it though.

"Thank you mister Adler but I think it would be best if  I left now. My Father wanted me home before dark you see"

Anthony raised an eyebrow. She sounded almost as desperate to leave as he felt.

His father sat down on the office chair his fingers drumming against the wooden desk infront of him.

"Of course, that would be best" his eyes never left Charlie as he gestured for Anthony to get the door.

As she passed him you wore a soft smile offering a quiet "thank you".

After she was out of earshot his father spoke up.

"Don't fuck this up boy" his tone being a complete 180 from the one he had when Charlie was in the room.

Anthony didn't respond as he closed the door behind him.

As they left the building the mood gradually increased. Charlie practically skipped down the side walk humming a light tune, a bright smile on her face.

Anthony trailed not far behind her. Taking one last inhale of the cigar he stubed the bud flicking it onto the concrete.

He let out a soft breath feeling the nicotine flood his sense and cleanse his body of the previous anger and angixtey that being in his father's presence sparked.

"So ah toots how we getting to ya place?"

Charlie stopped humming to look back at him, her blinding smile still in place and agonizingly bright. Although he would admit that it looked far better on her than a frown.

"Oh um there's a car not so far ahead- wait there it is!"

Anthony looked to where her finger was pointed and let out a low whistle. A slick black isottat Franchini awaited them. It was a fine looking pice of transportation if he'd ever seen one. The thing practically screamed I'm classy and rich.

As they neard the car Anthony spoke up "also don't be calling me Mr Anderson or anything like that, makes me sound old like my father"

Charlie gave a light him to his request.

Having reached the car, the door was held open for them by a redhead teenager dressed in a tux while what looked to be his twin sat in the drivers seat.

Getting in Charlie gave the teen a happy thank you that was met by a smile and nod before turning back to face Anthony.

"I'll call you Anthony as long as you call me Charlie deal?"

Anothy smirked, so she could make demands. Sliding into the car, minding his head in the roof he griped the woman's hand in a soft shake.

"Of course Charlie" his response was met with another blinding smile.

"Sounds good Anthony" she beamed before turning to the front.

"Alright Razzle, Dazzle were ready to go now"

Anthony leaned back into his seat, feeling tiredness overtake him.

Mabey being the body guard of the Don's daughter wouldn't be so bad.


I love Mafia AUs. So this will multiple parts. But what did you guys think of this.

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