Addicted: yandere Angel dust x (fem/male reader)

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"I will never love you Angel" you croked, mustering as much strength as you could. You couldn't show weakness, not to him.

Angel dust raised an eyebrow and a small smirk came to his face.
Even in your pitiful state.
Beaten and bloody you still fought him. Even half dead you still put up a strong front. He sighed.
Your stubbornness was as beautiful as it was a pain in the ass to deal with.

"But ain't that what people do toots" he asked softly".
"Learn ta love each other? Can't ya Learn to love me?"

He walked towards you slowly, his boots clacking against the floor with each step he took. The echos that filled the room made you realise just how alone you were. You coughed as a chill breeze brushed against you.
No one was comming to save you.

"I mean ya seem to have a heart large enough to fit the world and everything in it".

He stopped in front of you. A frown on his face as sadness and pain swiftly replaced the confidence that had been in his eyes.

"Am I that unlovable" he wisperd.

You turned your gaze away, your jaw clenched and your teeth grinding. Anger and pity clawing at your heart in equal measure. It was unnerving to see someone as confident as angel dust lose that spark so quickly.

"I wouldn't be unkind to you babe, you know that" Angel dust cooed, reaching out and tenderly cupping your face, his thumbs gently stroking your jaw in what he knew to be a comforting gesture.

"Id Never"

You snorted and rolled your eyes. What a load of shit. You turned to face him, your eyes narrowed and pupils slited.

"Kidnapping people is unkind"

Angle dusts grip tightened, Causing you to wince in pain.

"Making someone fall in love with you" he leaned forward " and refusing to love them back is unkind" he hissed.

Your shoulders tensed as you felt rage fill you. "Oh hell no" you roughly knocked his hand away, your expression ablaze with a fury. How dare he say that. You slammed into him, rage overtaking pity, teeth beared in a snarl "I will never love you" "Never"

You watched as anger flashed across his face and braced yourself for a hit. Only for it to never come. Instead laughter filled you ears and echoed around the room. You smirked at him "guess you've finally fucking lost it huh" your words were cut off as you let out a scream. your body was slammed against the wall, the impact leaving you light headed.

"Ya know babe you really shouldn't piss off a guy with four arms" he snickered, his eyes boring into you.
"But of course ya wouldn't fucking care about that would ya!" He laughed.

His gaze was soft now as he looked at you. Reaching one of his hands out to gently stroke your bruised face. His cool hands were soothing against your wounded flesh and you could feel yourself slightly leaning into it.

Not that you'd be ever admit it of course.

"Ya see (y/n) it's one of the things I absolutely fucking adore about you.
"Ya don't give a shit and give it ya all, even if what ya doin is batshit crazy.

"Your so confident and strong that not even Hell brings ya down"

His smile brightened as he continued.
His other hands reached up to pet your hair and rub your skin.

"Every inch of ya is perfect. He purred, leaning forward to bury his face in your hair.

"Every strand of hair and every inch of your skin" he let out a soft breath. "Feels so good to touch, it drives me crazy".

He gripped you tighter as he began to ramble.

Nothin in this world could ever compare to ya, that's why I gotta keep you here, to keep ya safe!"
Before you could say anything your lips were silenced by a  kiss.
A desperate Hungary kiss.

You let out a sound of protest, your eyes wide and your eyebrows forrowed in rage. You began to ferociously pound at his body, ignoring the Buring and aching that plauged you with each movement.

Even as you assaulted him, Angel dusts eyes remained closed in bliss as he kissed you. He couldn't feel you Punching him, only the sweetness of your lips.

Subconsciously he reached two hands up to pin your arms to the wall.

You screamed and thrashed but to no avail. He kissed you deeper, his body practically molding into yours.

After a long moment he finally seperated from you, smiling the brightest he ever had and resting his forehead against yours. Ignoring your gasps for air and your shaking body.

"Your" you heaved "f-fucking crazy!" You screamed in his face but it did nothing to the immense joy he felt in that moment.

"No (y/n)" he purred, holding you gently.

"I'm addicted'


Oof finally finished. I think this is the first time iv written for angel dust. Hopefully I did okay. What did you guys think, to much accent?.

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