let us adore you: yandere overlords X fem human reader

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"Run". Was the only thing in your head, repeating like a broken record. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears and the forest floor cruching with each step you took. Your head felt light and your clenched hands tingly, your desperate gasps were quick and ragged your chest and legs burning, crying for rest. But you would not answer thier call, for to rest would mean death, for they would get you and when that happened  you would truly wish yourself dead. You'd even pray to the God that had abandoned you for it. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain shoot down your leg like fire. you cringed and wimperd as the pain exploded in your head in a blinding whiteness making you dizzy and the world began to rock like waves. The pain felt like needles that had been dumped in a forge and ruffly jammed through your skin, your leg felt like it had been replaced by ice and a electric wire ran through it straight to your spine. You screamed and crumble onto the forest floor, clutching your legs hot tears running down your face as you sobbed and curled into yourself. The agony pulsing throughout your body. "Run!" Your mind screamed at you. You slowly shifted and attempted to push yourself up on wobbling hands and arms, only to cry out and crash to the ground  once more as another agonizing jolt shot through your arm, leaving you a shaking mess on the forest floor. You closed your eyes tightly only for them to Shoot open in terror at the sound of a multiple chuckles. Your heart began beating even faster and you wrapped your arms around yourself slowly rocking back and forth shivering, a unending stream of tears running down your face, goosebumps erupting over your body and your pupils shrinking. "Aww sweetheart we didn't want to have to do this to you" you shiverd more as you heard a radio like voice tut and coo. you flinched and wimperd when you heard someone crouch down Infront of you and a warm clawed hand cupped your cheek a thumb stroking your skin lovingly. "My darling angel please don't cry, it makes me very angry" "now now! let me see those gorgeous eyes of yours don't hide them from us" you clenched your eyes shut hoping that this was just a nightmare. Your hopes were shattered when you felt a snake like tung begining to lap up your tears hungrily placing soft kisses on your eyelids. "Hey small ass don't fucking hog her!" Your eyes flew open as you were lifted from your ball position on the ground now being hugged posessivly bridal style by the tall muscular tv headed monster, youd come to know as vox. You flinched when his eyes turned to you, fury flaring within them. He sneered at you "why are you crying you don't get to fucking cry! you ran from us! you ran from me! You stupid fucking girl!' you covered your ears as he roared at you, his grip tightening almost painfully. You were ripped out of voxs gripp into another equally strong gripp, your face buried into a large furry pink coat "geesh voxy don't give the poor thing a heart attack she's already in enough pain" a heavily newyorken accentd voice laughed at vox. You looked up from the coat you had buried your face in to see Valentino looking down at you, a large grin on his face his one golden tooth glistening in the sunlight, wearing his trademark heart shaped glasses and featherd hat. Both key components for his pimp look. "Ain't that right baby doll?"  Valentino cooed at you, leaning down to place multiple kisses on your hair trailing down to your cheek and eventually to your neck. Where he buried his nose. Violently sniffing before sighing "oh doll how i'v missed you" in a flash his smile turned crule his teeth sharpening and large,he harshly wisperd in your ear "now don't you ever...EVER leave again or I'll tear your fucking legs off and then you'll never be able to walk .... Understand doll!" Valentino fished laughing Merrily. You rapidly nodded trying to shrink in on yourself. "Now now gentleman....and vox" you heard a sneer and a low growl. Valentino chuckled as he felt you shiver and held you closer smirking at the jealous looks on the other demons faces. Alastor growled before continuing " I believe we should get our little darling back to safety....then teach her a few lessons" you wimperd not sure of what that implied but knowing it couldn't be anything pleasant. "Why that sounds like a splendid idea!" You heard Lucifer's sauve voice say excitedly before teleporting you into his arms with a beaming smile looking down at you with slit eyes his snake tung flicking of his fangs teasingly. "By the way... I'm going first"  his eyes narrowed as the other demons growled before grinning cheekily knowing they couldn't defy a being as powerful as him. "I'll see you all soon bey bey now!" He chirped with a smug wave diapering in a puff of blue smoke, you "safe" in his arms. Relief flooded your mind as you felt the agonizing pain disappear, landing on a soft bed in a dark romm. You took a sharp breath your neck arching as you felt a tung run along it to the base of your collar bone, sharp teeth nibbling at the sensitive skin making you gasp and a heavy blush erupt on your face. You felt a different pare of hands begin to roam over your stumeck, large claws tracing patterns while a hot mouth was kissing up your leg towards your inner thigh you  moaned and gasped as said mouth bit down on your clothed leg tearing a patch in your pants. Your eyes widened when Lucifer took the opportunity and  smashed his lips onto yours pinning you into the mattress holding your arms and forcing his  tung into your mouth exsploring the cavan within. You glanced down to see that it was Alastor who was nibbling your thighs with glee. You pushed Lucifer off with all your might seperating you two with a string of saliva running down his chin. He groaned and went to devour your mouth again, only for you to turn you head away quickly and attempt to kick Alastor in the face. Said radio demon only looked up at you with a smile and chuckled before holding your legs down and tearing your pants off. "Wha-wait!" You gasped your eyes wide and chest rising and falling rapidly "I'm..I'm n-not ready!" "Plea-" you were cut off by Valentino placing a finger to your lips and hushing "now now doll we gotta teach you a lesson about running off like that" "That's right! you can't just fucking run off like that it's dangerous for a pathetic little human like you we can't lose you not now!" You flinched at the insult as vox  glared at you growling, his eyes  glowing blood red, illuminating you in a beautifully sinful light. You felt Alastor slightly digg his claws into your thigh and trailing dowards. "For once I agree with....Vox....it seems darling that despite how much we worship you...you don't seem to share our affection" he finished darkly digging his claws in harder drawing blood making you wimperd and twitch "A-Al-" "it's alright darling" Alastor cut you off "it's alright because we've found a way.... a way to make you love us as much as we love you if giving you gifts won't work and worshing the ground you walk on won't work....than perhaps worshiping your body will" you began to struggle harder at his words feeling them all begin to exsplore your body happily leaving scratches and small bites were they please marking you as thiers. "Oh my darling angel" lucifer pressed his forehead to yours and cupped your face with his warm hands looking at you with nothing but love and possessiveness glowing in his lidded eyes. " You don't realise how happy this makes me you'll look so gorgeous with a swollen belly our young growing within you..won't that make you love us, to bear our child and raise them, to watch them grow as proof of our love for you. Simultaneously they all hugged you tightly gazing at you lovingly "Just let us adore you"
Annnnnd finished!. I'd like to apologize for it's lateness however I was working on another story at the time of this one development. As well me never having written a harem before wanted to study alittle bit to make sure that this was good I rather take a while and write something atleast interesting than rush and make something crappy. Also sorry if this makes anyone uncomfortable. Anyway hope you enjoyed i have a yandere Lilith in the works. Also feed back is appreciated.

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