God send: Yandere Mrs Mayberry X fem/male reader

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Matilda didn't believe in miracles.

She had at one point, at one time when she was a very young and very naive impressionable woman. Back when she used to innocent and Hevanbound. Back when everything seemed right in the world.

That was until the unfortunate event that lead up to her death.

In only one rage provoked decision it had all be been ripped away from her and more. All in one she had lost her heart her life and her faith. From that day on she was damn certain that miracles only exsisted in the fairytales she'd read to her dear children in morning class.

She was  certain that not none of these things could ever mend.

How could faith ever be restored in a place of sin? And how could a life she had taken by her own hands ever be replaced?. And how could a heart broken beyond repair by the one she loved the most ever hope to heal.

They couldn't, it was a simple as that.

However that in itself wasn't necessarily true.

Even in a place such as this, the most seemingly unreachable of goals were possible.

Just not without great difficulty. Again this was Hell after all. While yes a life could never be restored a broken heart was a different story.

It only took some motivation and dedecation. As most good things do.

This is what Matilda had discovered shortly after her death and her decent into Hell.

She had quite literally fallen for you, or more accurately on you.

It all had happened so fast.

One moment she was plummeting without stop and the next she was looking into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.

At first she thought she was staring into the eyes of a rather convincing llusion because how could something so angelic looking exsist in a place such as Hell.

How could something so beautiful live amongst monsters?.

It defyed the natural order,it defyed logic itself. Everything she knew about her new permanent residence was put to the test.

Truly you were an ingma to be awed at and admired.

And admire she did.

And just as she had suspected  you were just as beautiful on the inside as you were on the outside.

You hadn't said anything only  held out a hand.  You weren't fazed by the fact that someone had just landed on you. Infact it was almost uncanny. Your calm attitude would have caused any normal thinking person to atleast be wary. 

Not one that decided you were a angel in disguise however.

The way you gripped her hand and pulled her up as though you were ordering to stand tall made her feel stronger than she ever had before.

You made her strong. Something she hadn't been in a very long long time. To blinded by false love and empty promises.

Maybe if she had been that little bit stronger she would have divorced her husband long ago.

Not said yes when she asked to move south with her parents.

Not said yes when she was asked to prom Infront of thousands of onlookers.

Not said yes when she was proposed to Infront of all her family and friends.

Maybe if she had been stronger a whole chain of wrong choices could have been avoided.

If she were strong she could have been alive right now.

It was at this moment Matilda Mayberry decided that from that day on  she would be strong.

And her first act as a new women would be to get revenge on the whore that had scorned her so. Her husband didn't matter anymore, wasn't worth the effort of hunting down.

Seeing she had nowhere to go you gestured her to follow you. Your exspression never faltering.

A rather unusual act of kindness for a being such as yourself.

You led her to your home and she followed as eagerly as a duckling would it's mother.

Upon entering your home she was delighted to discover your lonesome state. She'd be the only one living with you from now on. She hoped you would learn to love that as much as her.

In the first few months of living together she had taken on somewhat on a maid role. Cleaning whenever it was required, cooking dinner, lunch and breakfast.

Because for as independent that you were unfortunately you couldn't cook to save yourself. It had taken you almost burning down the manor twice for her to completely take over all cooking.

It made her heart ache seeing you try so hard and still fail. She couldn't bare it.

She couldn't bare you not living up to flawless image she'd made for you.

Yes you couldn't cook but it was ok! Really it was she'd make sure you'd never go hungry.

It helped that because you'd lived alone for so long you couldn't tell the difference between love and obsession.

It also helped that you were somewhat oblivious.

You didn't question the blood stains that would appear whenever a rare vister left. Or how sometimes after eating the meals she'd lovingly crafted for you you'd feel like passing out or even how sometimes youd wake up sorer than when you fell asleep.

But of course you never suspected anything, why would you when the lady you'd found was so sweet and kind, almost rivaling your own. You didn't have a reason to not trust her.

Matilda only hoped that one day this trust would turn to adoration.

Really you had no one else to blame for her obsession than yourself.

It was your fault for being so kind and understanding.

It was your fault for restoring her healing a heart thought to be broken beyond repair.

Because now that you'd given back her heart she saw no reason as to not pursue your own and give her self to you.

And she wouldn't take rejection for an answer.

You were her godsend. It was the least she could give you after what you had given her.

You'd just have to accept it.


Boy that was long. But what did you guys think of this?

Also for anyone who can tell why I named her Matilda. Here's a cookie 🍪

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