video Killed the radio star: yandere vox X Alastor

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Vox had always hated radios. They were loud and confusing. Even when he was human he hated them. He had been given one once and he never used it, never even looked at it.  His father loved them though. He had a whole room of them once, a whole collection that he loved more than anything else in the world, even his own wife and son. Vox would've asked him if he still had that collection had the old man still been alive. Well as alive as you could be in hell.

Unfortunately though he'd died to an exterminator last year. That was the only time vox had ever thanked God for anything. Now vox didn't make a lot of promises and even more rarely went through with them, but the one thing he would always stick to was that he'd never be anything like is father. For himself and his mother.

That's why this new overlord pissed him off so Fucking much.

Alastor was the bastards name. He was loud confusing and had some damn fascination with shitty dad jokes. He moved like he owned the ground he walked on and was always, ALWAYS smiling. Vox didn't think he could frown. These things weren't what made vox so angry though. What made him angry was the fact that Vox was absolutely undeniably obsessed with the radio prick. He had hair that looked soft to the touch and a air of power and presence that made the submissive side of Vox shiver in delight and anticipation. Vox liked to fantasize about how the deer would run his claws on his skin and bite him so hard that blood would break the surface. While he strangled him with those shadow puppet tentacles of his. What a fucking turn on that would be. Vox hated that he felt this way, hated that the red obsessed demon had such an effect on him without trying and he hated that he couldn't stop himself from feeling like this. Had it been another demon Vox wouldn't have cared as much. He was smart and he was good looking he would have had them eating out of his claw in no time but this was no ordinary demon. Honestly being in hell he shouldn't have expected something easy, nothing was ever easy in the cess pool of rapists,junkies and about everything else fucked up that you could think of.  So of course the demon he was destined to be with was the fucking RADIO demon. Remember what he said about thanking God that one time? Yeah forget it. Or was Lucifer to blame? Vox didnt know and he didn't care. No no It okay compley, really. Alastor would change for him. He had to they were lovers after all and lovers were ment to make the other happy right?. He if refused..... Well vox had his ways. Alastor shouldn't leave the house ethier. Vox wasn't worried about Alastor getting hurt he knew he was strong if the live footage of his massacres said anything. No vox was worried about Alastor wanting to leave him. While Vox understood that this was most likely an irrational fear. Because honestly what demon in thier right mind would ever want to leave him. But you could never be too sure.

Better to be safe than sorry or something like that.

Vox had a plan. A plan that would ensure the Radio demon would stay with him forever.

"Uh sir"

Voxs head snapped to the voice. A small imp dressed in a tuxedo was nervously shifting on his foot by his offices doorway.

"What" voxs voice was full of malice and venom seconds away from smiting the pathetic creature into oblivion.

"W-well s-sir" the imp stuttered no doubt sensing the murderous intent radiating from his master.

"SPEAK UP!" Vox roared his claws digging into the leather seat he was currently occuping, his teeth beared with a hint of electricity comming Off of his antennas.

The imp jumped in fright, his tail standing up immediately speaking in a rushed voice.

"The Radio demon sir h-hes a-a-arived and is waiting in the-

"How do you do my tiny friend!"

The imp gave out a surprised scream and fainted. Hopefully from a heart attack vox thought.

There in the doorway stood a tall deer like demon with a staff and monecl and who was currently had a shit-eating grin on his face as he stared down at the hopefully dead imp on the carpet floor. In his eyes was mischief and curiosity.

Vox tightened his grip on the chair and shudder with anticipation and excitement, his plan unfolding.

"Oy Radio demon what took you so fucking long?"

Alastor flinched. It had been drilled into him from a young age that swearing was unbecoming and a sign of less intelligence.

Yet his smile grew at the question.

"Well you see my friend I'm doing some charity work and-"

"I don't give a fuck about your exsuses" Vox didn't want to hear a word about Alastors "friends".

"I must say I'm quite surprised that such a notorious demon such as yourself would invite me over to his own home may I have the pleasure as to know why?"

Vox eyes slited. You mean our home he thought.

"Theres been talk of you and how you went on a massacre yesterday and I want to tell ya that it fucked up alot if Shit for my associates"

Alastor tilted his head.

"Oh sorry my fellow I didn't realise that they were important to you"

"Well you just cost me a fuck ton of resources dipshit and you need to pay"

Alastor only smiled as Vox got into a fighting stance a gleam in his eye.

Alright radio fucker we fight until one of us dies or passes out you got it!"

Inside vox was ecstatic his plan was going along perfectly. All he needed to do was knock the deer out and put him in his basement while he was uncouious and then finally he'd be voxs as he was ment to be.

"Oh how entertaining!" Alastor threw his hands up in glee "I get to witness a another overlords power such fun!" Alastor was practically vibrating with excitement, like a child.

Vox smirked while yes his deer was strong vox had years on him. Yes this would be easy.



Vox was speachless. After a long battle resulting in a destroyed house Alastor had... beaten him. He couldn't comprehend it, it was impossible, unthinkable!. His plan was going perfectly what the fuck happened.

From his position on the floor he managed to tilt his severely injured head. His screen faced cracked and in pieces. Yet with all these injurys he could make out the sound of Radio static and humming above him. Looking up he could see Alastor smiling down at him with a look of smug joy.

He groaned when the deer stepped on him and leaned down to talk to him.

"My my my what a turn of events"

Alastor checked his nails glancing lazily at him. " I suppose you were fully expecting to win our little dule hmmmm" Alastor laughed.

"You know this actually reminds of a little song the humans made what was it... Ah! That's right I believe it was called video killed the radio star however our situation is the other way around how hilarious!"

"I'm glad that my little rampage got your attention vox and I'm glad you challenged me'

Alastor leaned up to his ear and Vox shivers as he felt the overlords breath on his skin.

"Because if they all think your dead

No one can ever take you from me"

The last thing Vox saw before darkness took him was a large smile and a staff making contact with his face.


What a twist😉

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