Simple little fascination: Yandere Baxer X fem/male reader

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It just a fascination that was all.

Really, it wasn't his fault you turned out to be such an intriguing creature.

How could he have possibly predicted that he'd be overcome with the need to learn about you?.

Everything about you.

Truly, Baxter had never felt such a strong need to observe and study before, not even his beloved experiments.

Yet you were so much more captivating than Any experiments or contraptions he's ever seen or made.

He couldn't count the amount of notes pictures and statistics he had of you.
The result of days weeks and months of stalking, the seconds and hours spent analysing and marvelling at the magnificence that was you and everything about you.

Hundreds perhaps even thousands of  papers often litterd his lab floor and desks nowdays, making the usually spotless and prestein workplace resemble the aftermath of a devestsing tornado.

It was a far cry from what was usually seen of the cleanliness obsessed angler fish. He had spent several sleepless nights trying to figure you out, what made you tick, what made you happy what were your daily routes and routines and so on so forth.

You were an enigma a mystery a challenge that the mad scientist revelled in.

You were like a puzzle. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was about you that lit this desire in him.

Somedays he'd be watching you desplay your powers, for what ever reason you saw it fit to do so he did not care. All the while he'd be giddly observing, blindly writing notes at a speed some would say impossible amazed at your abilities.

While other days he'd notice little things.

Like how you loved drinking tea at exactly 10:am or how you'd rub your arm when you were nervous or even how one of your eyes were a deeper, richer shade than the other.

Just little things like that.

It seemed that everyday as he observed you more and more he found himself little by little falling further into the deep end.

Even if he himself wasn't aware of it.

It seemed that even after two years you still weren't aware of your (stalker) admirer. It made studying you so much easier.

It was just so easy to sneak into your room and take as many pictures as he felt he needed.

The majority for his statics and after months he had finally given in to that little voice in his head and taken some for himself. Along with some items found scattered around your room, a ring in the corner, a comb on your desk and even a worn faded shirt that he found resting apoun your desk chair.

All in the name of science of course!.

Atleast that's what he told himself.

And for a while he was satisfied.

But as time dragged on something began to change within him.

While the desire to study you never went away, he could feel it slowly being overtaken by another desire.

He couldn't be satisfied with just pictures and or meaningless trinkets anymore.
He wanted you there with him, by his side. He could imagine it, just the two of you shut off from the rest of the world with nothing and no one to come inbetween the two of you.

It'd be perfect. His perfect little world with his most precious fascination by his side, forever. It would be beautiful.

And it would be his reality. No matter the cost no matter the sacrifice.

It had taken almost forever but he finally understood that is wasn't a simple fascination that he had for you, it was an obsession.

And so that was all Baxter would think about for the next four months. He had put all of his projects aside as much as it pained him to do so. But he didn't dwell on it for long, very soon he'd have you to study all day long.

He just hoped you wouldn't fight against the chains to much.


I kinda like baxer he reminds me of Dexter's lab. Well anyway I hope I met expectations with this. As always feedback is always welcome.

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