in the cradles: yandere overlords X fem reader part 2

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9 months. It had been nine full months since you were brought back here, to this realm of Chaos and misery known only as hell. It had been nine months since you had last tasted freedom, everyday being told the same lie, "you can go wherever you wish my darling!" Is what they're say in a crule attempt at creating an illusion of privacy and freedom, when in reality you were in a cage, your every step being watched. Yes it truly was your personal luxurious prizon and your "lovers" the wardens. However, you sighed gentely and ran a hand down your large swollen belly, tracing patterns in hopes to sooth the rough kicks within, they were also the fathers of your children. You smiled sadly and looked down at the large bump. Or perhaps they would become thier wardens to, you were terrified at that possibility. Yes they say they love you, that you are the world and everything in it to them, but would the babies be to? You wanted nothing but for them to grow happy and healthy, to be loved, but would they love them to much? would They to be trapped in this  cage with you? You knew this was a taboo thing to say,to even think of it was a crime, but you rather thier fathers hate them then love them, because then they'd atleast be free, truly free. You wrapped your arms around your belly tightly, how long could you protect them from the crule reality you lived in, how long could they stay safe and innocent in your womb "not for long" your mind uttered softly, and you knew it to be true. Despite how much you'd deny it you knew that they couldn't be protected forever. You gasped suddenly when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you. " my love" you froze instantly reconizing the one of a kind voice that could only belong to one specific demon. "Alastor" the name was spoken from a shakey voice desperately trying to not tense. you heard him chuckle softly "sorry for starteling you darling" with that he turned you around and placed a kiss to your lips that was possessive as it was passionate. You didn't pull back knowing that it would only anger him. Reluctantly seperating he sighed gentely, touching his lips, savouring the warmth that you brought him, before giving you a pointed look. you mentally slumped at the exspression on his face, knowing fully what was to come. "Now sweetheart what do you think your doing walking around" he paused looking down fondly at your swollen belly before continuing "with you so close" he purred "it can't be good for the little ones" he said in a matter of fact tone running a hand through your hair. You opened your mouth to protest "when a perky posh accented voice spoke up. "He's right my angel" you glanced over to see Lucifer walking towards you from the door way with a skip in his step,cane in hand and smile stretched across his porcelain face, humming a happy tune. Cupping your cheek as he reached you, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, pulling you from Alastor to hold you in a tight embrace, smirking cheekily at the low growl that met his ears. "Although our children are certainly not weak" he paused "you my deary are human and so very...very fragile" he stroked your cheek affectionately a soft look in his eyes. You gasped when a pair of strong arms picked you up, holding you in a bridal carry. You looked up to be met with glowing spiral eyes and a pissed off vox glaring down at you "why are you out of bed? You trying to leave again....." His words were hard and cold still bitter from you trying to leave them almost a year ago, trying to leave him. "Your going to go lay down and I don't want to hear any Fucking complaing! You go it" he growled harshly, marching upstairs and kicking the door so hard the hinges became loose. " come now voxy your makin the dame all shakey"  you were pulled from vox who let out a angered grunt, into a tight embrace on the king sized bed. The scent of exspesive perfume invaded your nostrils as your face was buried into a fluffy coat. "Doll~ my adorable sweetheart" Valentino cooed kissing your forehead and face "my lovely dame be a  good girl.and please sleep  for me~ I promise to hold you until you wake up" "like fuck you will bastard" vox growled and laid down on the opposite side of you entwining his legs with yours and baring his teeth at a frowning Val. "are we all laying with our precious darling" the radio like voice of Alastor sounded at the door way to the annoynce of vox. Alastor strided over to the bed and began running his hands through your hair gentely making soothing sounds and grinning softly. "Oh my! are we having a snuggle time why wasn't I invited" lucifer chirped from the door way slightly annoyed" "fuck off clown there's no room for you" vox hissed to the suprise of his fellow overlords and a lucifer who's grin widened "hmm yes indeed there is no room.. my my my what ever will I do" he hummed and placed his hand on his Chin in a thinking way" "oh I know!' in a sudden gust of wind the three overlords were throw off of the bed onto the floor groaning. Lucifer grind cheekily waving at vox on the floor and using him as a step to get onto the large bed. You gave him a unimpressed look as he winked and positioned himself underneath you your body resting on his, warm arms wrapping around your belly. "That was mean Lucy" Alastor groned fixing his monecl and bowtie. "Yeah Lu LU vox was the one being a dick not us!" Valentino's tone was that of an annoyed child. "I'll kill you you tiny clown fucker!" Vox roared ready to attack only to be met with three murderous gazes that all said one thing. Not near her. "My dear tv fellow perhaps I should throw you out the window next time" lucifer said smugly to a grumbling vox who took Alastors original position of stroking your hair. "Just rest angel" lucifer wisperd in your ears. You sighed in defeat and closed your eyes only for them to fly open in shock.

You water had just broken.

Oh my god finally it's done. Yes Hello I am indeed alive and well I was just really struggling to write this due to writers block as well as the fact I'm not good at multiple people relationship stories as evidence from this. But anyways I hope you did injoy this and if not tell me why. Again feedback is always appreciated.

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