welcome to your world: yandere overlords part 3

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"keeping pushing darling!"

You screamed as another contraction racked through your body. It felt like a needle was constantly being jammed into you over and over again. It was slow and just when you thought one was over the next would have already begun.

Truly it was agony in its purist form. But it would all be worth it when you could finally gaze upon and hold your darling children in your arms. It would all be worth it.

Hot tears streamed down your cheeks and blurred your vision to the point you couldn't make a single thing in the room anymore, only blurry shapes and figures.

You wimperd at the realisation that although 6 hours had passed still not a single one of your children had come out. A fearful shakey breath escaped you as the signs of another contraction began to form.

You felt Alastor squeeze your hand tighter and stroked it with his for once glove free thumb. It was comforting and you were glad that he was there for you.

You were glad they all were there.

He leaned down to your ear and began to wisper sweet words of encouragement. "Your doing fantastic darling" you could feel the slight fuzzyness of his radio static against your body.

"Truly a magnificent women to bear our fawn" he wisperd gently. "They'll be goureous my love" he pressed his lips to your ear as his voice became tender.

" just like thier mother"

You let out a pained cry as one of the baby's moved, causing a eruption of tears from your eyes and sweat from your forehead.

At your sign of destress a cool cloth was gentely placed on your head as a chilled clawed hand cupped your cheek and a finger swiped your tears away. The coolness feeling like hevean on your flushed heated skin. Giving you a release from the pain, even if it was for but a moment.

"He's right my Angel", Lucifer spoke lovingly as he gazed at the most important person in all the three realms to him. His darling (y/n).
He had  rushed over when the sounds that fell from his mates lips became to much to bear.

He couldn't handle seeing you in pain, none of them could. This wasn't just agonizing for you.

But it would all be worth it in the end.
When he would finally get to see the proof of his and your love.

He stroked your cheek and wiped your tears when ever they fell, cooing words of love and adoration to you. Placing gentle but non the less possesve kisses to your face and forehead in an effort to distract you and himself from your suffering.

Outside the room was two very anxious overlords.

Vox clenched his fist as he paced one of the hundreds of hallways in the Royal palace. Valentino sat on a love seat watching the trigger happy demon carefully, ready to jump at any sign that he was losing control.

He would have much rather been in that room with you. Helping you birth thier children. A smile made its way to his face as he thought of what yours and his child would look like, already thinking of all the things he and his spawn would do.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by another one of your screams. A deep frown replacing his dopey smile in a heartbeat. Looking at Vox he was reminded of the whole reason he was out here and not in there where he rightfully should be.

It was no secret that they loved you with everything they had. Worshipped you, adored you, pleasured you. Valentino shiverd in delight at the memory of you beneath him. They were as protective as they were in love and that just as much as a hazard as it was a positive.

As a result of this protectiveness, they also had a tendency to be in raged by even the slightest in convince to you.

Which was why he was out here watching Vox like a hawk.

The overlords had discussed it the night it was discovered you were pregnant. The overlords with the most control would stay by your side and assist with the birth while the more unpredictable ones would stay outside as to not risk the injury of Thier sweet fragile human or their young.

There had been arguments,fights and jealous fits but in the end they all understood that your safety was the up most importance. It always was.

He leaned into the seat and gently signed. It was only a matter of waiting now.

But it would all be worth it.

Vox didnt like how Val was looking at him. Like some fuckin animal that should be chained and locked away.
It made him angrier than he already was. He got it okay he knew he had anger issues. He wasn't like priss perfect Alastor. He rather kill a waiter than wait for an extra ten seconds for his drink.

Still he thought he was better than that tiny ass angel who would order a complicated drink only to change it for a coffee as it was being served to him.

The fucker didn't even like coffee.

He knew he got angry, alot but never at you. Except that one time you had tried to leave him. Only then was he allowed to be inraged with you. But still he'd due before he hurt you.
He was bearly keeping it together now as you birthed thier children.

But he loved you more than anything and he was going to make sure you remembered it.

"Push (y/n) push!"

You wimperd and gasped as you pushed, the pain seemingly never ending.

Until you heard a soft cry and the sound of a door being urgently opened.

Your first son was the spitting image of his father. The same pale porcelain skin that was as cold as it was smooth.  Watching closely as he opened his eyes for the first time you cooed as you were met with eyes so much like your own. Full of wonder and life. On his cheeks were two ruby red circles. A contrast to his platinum blond hair.

It was no contest to see who's genes were more dominant.

Your second child had been a darling little girl. Who didn't look mutch like her father at all. She had your hair and eyes she had only inherited her father's warmth and grey skin. She was beautiful and you knew one day there would be no shortage of males and females fighting for her hand.

Your third child and second son looked mutch like his father also. He was a tiny thing with a tuff of black hair and dark skin.

You were delighted that he had inherited those beautiful neon blue eyes unique to his father. He was also the quietest of the newborns.

While the others gurgled, laughed and cried. He had only looked at you with a patience and understanding no newborn should have possed. He was going to be a smart child that much was certain.

You last child and second daughter was a interesting mix of both you and Alastor. She was an adorable little fawn with tiny ears tuffs and a little tail that swayed and moved as she did.  The colouring was that of you with your hair colour being the Same as hers and her fur.

But oh she was so certainly her father's daughter. She looked at you with a mischief in her eyes and as much of a smirk that a baby could muster. She was going to be a handful you could tell but you loved her non the less.

You smiled tiredly as you wached as the father's of your children held them with a gentleness in your eyes.

This was your family and you would love them no matter what. Even if it had been rough in the beginning you couldn't deny how you cared for your ex captors.

Because in the end it all been worth it.

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