revenge is best served cold: Stella X fem/male reader

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Stella was a petty creature and she wasn't afraid to admit that. For as prim and proper as she made her self appear and for as superior as she knew herself to be she wasn't above certain things that would be commonly associated with things below her status.


Atleast when it came to that disgrace of an overload she unfortunately had for a husband, Stolas. A no good cheating imp fucker.

When it came to this man nothing was to low and when it came to punishing him Stella found that she would go to any lengths, absolutely any to see him snap. And fortunately for her unlike those beneath her such as the grotesque Imps her husband had decided to fuck, revenge was a luxury she could afford.

It was just a delightful bonus that she could execute said revenge with a creature as attractive as the one quivering beneath her.

"M-my lady!" Her crimson eyes shifted downward, her gaze morphing into one of approval and pretentiousness as a bearly noticeable smirk formed on her lips. It was good to know that even while you layed in her bed you still remembered your place, as a good little servant should.

It was good that you knew who was in charge here and she highly suggested that you remember the fact. For your sake.

However it wasn't as if you didn't have any power here. Quite the contrary. Infact you had quite an effect on her,
Or at least at this point in time or for however long this night lasted between the two of you.

It was no secret to anyone that much like Hells very own queen the snow white avian had a bit of a domination kink.

And if it some how wasn't clear to you before hand it should have been blinding obvious now.

If not the hungry borderline predatory gleam in her eyes as they ravenously roamed over your body then surely the position shed forced you into would have been a clear sign.

She had made an effort to make you look like a wrapped up gift. She figured with it being so close to the holiday season there would be no harm in having an early gift.

There was no reason as to why this had to be only about vexing Stolas and honestly she'd rather not think about him while she railed you into the mattress.

You were making it exceedingly difficult to properly scrape together something that could even remotely resemble a coherent thought anyway and she'd much rather focus on the pleasure being shared between the two of you than some childish dick.

Looking at you know she couldn't help but feel quite smug. No she was allowed to feel smug, it was only natural to admire ones work after all.

Honestly you looked so helpless with all that rich red thread wrapped around your body like that. Some particular parts reder then the rest where sweat had seeped through. This was most noticeable around your chest, waist and torso where most of the thread resided.

Some may say she'd gone overboard with the lavish decorating but in her opinion it was a necessity. How else would she get your beautifully flushed skin to stand out so well and who wouldn't want their beloved pet to look good.

Honestly if she hadn't known better she'd assume you were a virgin. With how easily your face had redend with each stroke,lick and bite she had marked your body with or how when she had first stripped you had tensed in an almost statue like way. All in all it was difficult to decipher.

Especially when you looked at her with innocent pleading eyes. Begging for release or how your bound hands twitched desperately when she ran he talons over your exsposed body.

She wasn't afraid to admit that you were cute. For as rare as the discretion was in Hell.

She was just happy that she got to have you all to her self.

After all Stolas was bound to have more than one meet up with the detestable little creature. It was inevitable.

But at least she'd have you to get back at him with.

And maybe some extra vists in-between if she felt like it.

But only time would tell.


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