The Angel and Demon on my shoulder:yandere Alastor and Lucifer X fem/male reader

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You wouldn't say that being the guest of a psychopathic cabalistic demonic Bambi and a former arch angel now fallen angel was a completely terrible thing.

Sure the fact that they had kidnapped you, quite literally dragging you kicking and screaming into the fiery pits of Hell wasn't great. But it wasn't like they had treated you terribly since you arrived which is what you typically excepted of two hellish beings.

Quit the opposite in fact.

Who knew that the rulers of Hell could be so kind and hostibel, certainty not you that was for sure. You weren't going to complain about it though. Wouldn't want to give them a reason to demonstrate their more monstrous sides to you.

Especially not when they've treated you better in six months than your entire family had in the time you'd been alive.

But you weren't going to waste brain power on thinking about that.

Why would anyone miss something that would never miss them?. Not you that was for sure.

you really didn't have anything  left behind on earth so you weren't reluctant to leave your new and improved home in Hell.

Your hosts liked that's fact very much.

In truth it was more of a mixed bag,
On one hand they wanted the thrill of the chase. To chain you up and break you until you loved them as much as they loved you, but this was just a seasoned hunter talking. On the other hand they were pleasantly surprised and relived that they wouldn't be forced to resort to such methods that one would consider cruel in order for you to see sense.

You were smart enough to see that this place was far better for you than anything else in the three realms.

You didn't seem to react much either when a squadron of  hells best legionars started following you wherever you went or whenever you found yourself not in the presence of the two king's for as rare as it was.

And if you had somehow discovered them you had yet to ask about the several trackers and Cameras hidden around your room and carefully placed in your item's.

Although they doubted your knowledge of thier exsistence.  they had taken great care in making them as distinct as possible.

And why would you ever suspect anything when they had presented themselves as incapable of such a heinous act.

Exsisting for as long as they had they've learnt how to wear a mask to perfection.

It wasn't like they lying to you, not technically anyway.

The sweet smiles, kind faces and gentle touches were completely genuine. They loved you they really did. They simply wanted to shield you from the less than sane parts of them.

They couldn't risk losing you not when they had only just got you. They had made an effort to insure that your thoughts of them were nothing but positive.

That when you thought of them your mind was filled with happiness and  love. Not anxiety about whether or not you'd be next in the torture chambers below the castle.

They couldn't bear it if you feared them. Even now the mer though of you fleeing in terror broke what was left of thier hearts. And if you somehow managed to ever leave them. They were certain that recovery would be impossible.

Honestly it was ridiculous how much power you had and you didn't even know it. Only you had the ability to bring them to thier knees.

However they'd never give you a good enough reason to leave. But if you ever did than unfortunately as much as the two of them despised seeing you in any distress they would be forced to resort to those rather cruel methods.

They didn't want to but if they ever did it would be your fault. Luckily however this fate was easy to avoid and they believed it would no challenge for someone as amazing as you.

All you had to do was love them as much as they loved you. Yes it may seem difficult at first but it was ok. They would give you all the time in the world.

It wasn't like you had any other company to steal your attention away from them anyway. So who else could you love if not them. They had already desposed of all the competition.

I wasn't really sure about this one's execution but what do you guys think.

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