your are my hevean: yandere Angel Lucifer X fem /male Reader

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You couldn't believe it you knew Lucifer had be acting..... strange lately to say the least. Stranger than he had ever been, and that was saying something. But you never imagined it would lead to this.

You smiled softly watching as the little girl snuggled into her sheets, her breathing even and peaceful. A sweet dream you had provided playing in her mind. You sighed happily, your job done for the day. Your life's work of gaurding Lucy was complete until tomorrow. This was the task of a gaurdian angel such as yourself.

Angels born for the soul purpose of gaurding the Lord's children and guiding them to the light, so that they could join him in Hevean one day. Lucy was such a darling child, had you not been gaurding her for five years now would have mistaken her for a cherub who's wings had yet to sprout.  The night was quiet, save for the distant sound of animals and other life.

You sighed blissfully as a gentle breeze blew through your hair. You closed your eyes savioring the winds gentel touch as you began to nod off, fantasizing. You wanted to feel the air  through your wings as you sored through clouds, illuminated by stars and the moon.

So distracted in your wishful dreaming, you hadn't yet realised you weren't alone.

"What a beautiful thought". A light male voice brought you from your thinking, causing you to jump in shock and a light scream to fall from your lips. You threw your head wildly  around trying to find the source of the voice. Anger and embarassment coursing through you. You felt a sudden chill and your  neck hairs stand up at the aura that reached you. He was a angel, a very powerful one. Your chest began to swell with nervousness and worry. It was a arch angel, of this you were certain. Now what they wanted with a  gaurdian angel that tried there absolute to be unknown was the question.

You froze as two arms wrapped around you gently in an embrace. "Now now calm down dear I mean you no harm" the arch angel said in an attempt to sooth your worries. You took a few deep breaths calming yourself. Soon after you began to carefully pry the newcomers arms off of you, a new commer who made a sound of reluctance by complied.

You weren't going to ask why he suddenly embraced you. As it was a common act among angels. The ability to sense eachothers emotions was something a angel was born with or acquired upon death and entering Hevean. Of course if you had the determination you could put up mental shields to keep your feelings private but that was an ability only the stronger angels seemed possesse.

Although there were the rumours of some angels having the power to read minds and morph into different creatures. But again these were just rumours and such powers were  uncomprehensible to a miniscule being such as yourself.

Now released from the angels grasp you tured around to face him. Only to choked in disbelief and trip on your feet, the icy grass being the culprit.

You swear your heart stopped. Your face heated up in embarrassment. You shut your eyes awaiting some form of ridicule. Instead you were met with laughter. It wasn't condescending or mocking it was the laugh of one who was simply amused.

"My my my, quite the clumsy one arnt you!?" Daring to peak up at the angels face you were met with golden eyes that shone with delight and curiosity.
Gathering yourself you jumped back from him a annoyed yet bashful look on your face your red cheeks standing out in the snow infested landscape as you pointed a shakey and accusing finger at him.

"I'm not clumsy you just shouldn't sneak up on people! You.. you.. you!.
You cut yourself off from cursing him out in favour of doing it mentally.

Lucifer grinned at your thoughts you had rather...creative insults. How entertaining.

He waved his hand chuckling " quite right I should have announced myself instead of giving you a fright!"
You sighed in relief. It seemed he wasn't in the mood to smite any minor inconveniences tonight.

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