waking up to you: Alastor X fem/male rabbit reader part 2

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There were very few things in life and death that you liked and even fewer things that you loved.

However you could, with the upmost confidence and certainty say that watching your lover sleep has been what's given you some of the happiest moments of your entire existence.

It was a close second.

Right after the man himself of course.

Your beloved Husband.

Your beloved Alastor.

You lay perched on one arm atop the  queen sized bed that both of you shared. The thick blanket thankfully shielding your naked body from the cold chill of early morning.

A faint blush made its way to your cheeks as you remembered what occurred last night.

You were exhausted but happy.

You body ached and your legs were practically non existent. you shook your foot slowly and to your expectations the numb sensation remaind.

A little huff escaped you and your ears dropped in annoyance. Definitely no moving for you.  Which was partly the reason you hadn't already left your comforting sanctum to make breakfast for both you and your sure to be, famished lover.

The other reason being that you wouldn't dare waste the opportunity to watch your dearest sleep. Especially since it was so rare that he slept at all. 

For as carefree that he made himself appear with his rather jester like persona and seemingly laid back attitude he was always gaurded. At least when not in the privacy of your home and even then, sometimes he forgot to let his mask drop.

It was a perfect blend of fascinating and sad. The way he could put a mask up so quickly was admirable in a way. However you supposed that was just your political mind speaking.

It taught you that even the strongest of demons had a target painted on thier back, even one as mighty as the Radio demon. It was for this reason you understood why a mask was necessary.

But still....

You rarely got to see him so vulnerable, so at peace.
And it was this reason that you loved watching him sleep so dearly.

It was one of the few times that there was no mask to be seen. It was just him.

You hesitantly reached your hand out to softly cup the sleeping deers cheek. A familiar warm feeling swarmed in your chest as you trailed a finger upwards to caress his hair tuffs. 

He was warm and soft. Like a Teddy bear. You snorted softly in amusement and rolled your eyes. He was a clingy a one that was certain. It was cute though, he was cute like a-. You paused for a moment in thought as you ponderd an accurate comparison, you hand subconsciously running through your partners hair.

Your eyes lit up with realisation.

Bambi! He was like a little Bambi. A murderous, cabalistic, psychopathic Bambi sure, but nonetheless he was just as cute.

Especially those big fluffy ears and irresistible little tail-

You flinched as Alastor stirred.

Had you been to rough with his hair?

You watched as his body softly shuffled in the sheets. You resisted the urge to coo when you saw his tall sway back and forth curiously from beneath the blanket, his large ears twitching slightly.  Eventually his eyes slowly opend, blinking softly in confusion, gradually softening however, as they landed on your form.

"Morning darling" Alastor softly drawled out.

You hummed a happy tune delicately cupping his warm cheeks pressing a lingering kiss to his forehead. 

"Hmmmm morning honey" you utterd. resting your head atop his hair being mindful of the antlers that were as sensitive as they were sharp.

You heard a pount and in that moment couldn't help but imagine him as a labrador. A needy labrador who wasn't satisfied with the attention already bestowed upon him.

How irresistible.

"Come now darling, you shouldn't be so neglectful!. I did let you have your way last night did I not?. Surely I deserve to be graced by a proper kiss!. Iv earned it don't you think?.

He chortled jokingly with a lopsided grin. His loud chipperness returning to him only moments after waking up.

"We'll darling after last night I do believe iv spoiled you quite enough" you shot back with a sarcastic edge and a playful smile on your lips.

His grin sharpened into a large teasing smirk. Something no doubt cocky about to come out of it. Weather or not you would wack him for it was still to be decided.

" Oh sweetheart how you wound me!" He swooned dramatically a hand pressed to his heart. "Denying me my favorite treat, why! a simple kiss! truly a crule heartless punishment darling!"

You puffed your cheeks in a way that made you resemble a angry toddler.

"Oh very well Alastor I'll cater to your demands" you stated matter of factly.

You leaned forward  fully intending to kiss him on the nose and it seemed Alastor caught your plot as just before you reached his nose he tilted his head up to capture your lips in a possessive albeit loving hold.

You made a muffled noise of surprise, your eyes widening. Gosse bumps erupted over your skin as you tail and ears stood up, a hevay blush spreading like wildfire over your cheeks.

It took you a moment but gradually you let yourself relax into the kiss, your heart pounding in your chest as he wrapped two Strong arms around your waist. You in return reached your hands up to tangle in his already birds nest of a hair.

You didn't know how many minutes had passed when you finally parted from each other and you didn't really care. You were positive had oxegen not been an unfortunate ingredient in keeping you alive the two of you would have never parted.

You let a puff taping his lips "there now I trust that was satisfactory? are you pleased my deer?"

Are radio like crack and the sound of a cheering audience met your ears. Alastor wore a large smile and had his hands thrown in the air. "It certainly was (y/n)!"

You gave him an amused look

"Good now carry me to the kitchen so I can make breakfast. After last night I'm positively exhausted and my legs don't work."

You watched as a proud smile climb its way on his face. "Yes dear"

"And Alastor"

"Yes dear"

"Don't you dare even think about sneaking venison into it"

You heard a gulp. "Yes dear"


Wooo it's finished! also I feel I should make it clear that unless the one shot inst titled x male x female reader that means the chapter is gender neutral. I prefer doing this as it means everyone can immerse themselves into the story. Anyway thanks  reading what did you guys think?. Any requests?

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