Chapter 16

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.....What the hell is happening right now?? I asked myself, I couldn't even bring myself to kiss him back because I was still fucked up mentally. I pushed him up off me and got out from under him and made my way downstairs. I'm sorry August but a kiss isn't going to make anything better and it isn't possibly gonna stop what's coming.

"Are you okay it sounded like you fell up there" Ma said coming out the kitchen.

"More like your son fell on me...I think I'm gonna get going I have to hit the studio today" I said not really looking at her.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked sitting on the arm of the couch.

"You know you can ask anything ma"

"Do you still love him and care about him?" She asked looking me dead in my eyes.

".......I do love him it's just...mama I'm tired of it, I feel like I'm not good enough for him to stay faithful too, you know how I been feel especially since I've had the twins...I'm just tired of going through the hurt ma I really am" I said truthfully, yes I do still care about August and yes I do love him but I feel like I lost him... The real him at least.

"I think the best thing for you two to do is go see a counselor up until the court date to finalize the divorce and if there's no progress then you two know what to do" she said before giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.

"......Okay ma...I'll try" I said truthfully. This is why I love his mom she speaks the truth and let's you know what's up and she don't sugar coat nothing to save your feelings.

I quickly grabbed my bag and made my way out the house and hopped in my car and pulled off and went right to the studio, I really did have to lay down some new tracks my manager has been on my ass about it and I just know I'm gonna be there I guess it's back to the studio to vent by my music.


I don't know why the hell I kissed Cat.. Okay I'm lying I do know why I kissed her that's my baby always has been always will be no matter what we go through my love for Cathandra Audrey Johnson-Alsina will never change, I know I fucked up and I wouldn't want to talk to me either I just...I just wish we could've talked things through before she up and got the divorce.

"Boy what you do?" My mom said popping up in the doorway.

"Oh fwahheyy mama" I said catching myself before I caught an ass whooping.

"Mhmm now answer my question"

"....I kissed her, it just happened they were just there so I took the opportunity" I said shrugging.

"You.....your going to marriage counseling so be ready" she said about to walk away.

"Ma didn't you hear my marriage is over....she's done with me ma" I said looking down I seriously felt like crying right now.

"Again your going to marriage counseling when ever she give you a time you get there you hear me?! I want to see my son happy and she's the only woman who can do it....but need some working on...big time...just try not fuck up your last and final chance that she's willing to thread for, this is it August, after this she's out of your life for good if you mess up" my mom said looking me in my eyes, even she looked like she was gonna cry.

"Alright I promise I'll be good from here on out no more h-girls just Cat and my kids" I said hugging her, I was serious and with that being said I gotta get a new number cause these hoes been blowing me up like they stupid the last couple weeks.

"Ma I'm taking the kids home Aii?" I said giving her a hug.

"Alright be safe, I love you"

"I love you too mama, ZOEY AND AJ GRAB YA STUFF AND LETS GO!" I yelled walking down the hallway.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now