Chapter 9

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Cat (2 weeks later)

Sooo I know your all like what the hell is going on?!?! Weeeellllll August and I we're still working things out but things are getting better I still sleep in the guest room cause I'm not down for it, today I'm going to a photoshoot and I decided to take the kids with me and give August a break he's been running around with them while I've been working.

"ZoZo and AJ are you two ready?!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I had on a white crop top with black skinny jeans and a light plaid button up tied around my waist with my Tims, my hair was straight and I had on a black leather snap back that said Strug-Life, yeahh I may have stoles Augs hat and he doesn't know so I'd like to keep it that way👍. I looked at them as they ran down the stairs Zoey had on all white with her emoji backpack August just had to buy it for her. And the new 11's and on top of that this little girl had on a white snap back.

"Okay then Ms.Angel I see you" I said pinching her cheek and making her laugh.

I looked at what AJ had on and laughed just like his damn daddy, he had on a black short sleeved shirt a pair of black Tru Religions and his black Tims with a black SnapBack and a black MCM bag. Aug just had to get that too I swear he spoils them more than I do.

"So you two are opposites....lord help me today to handle these two you guys got everything the snacks are in my purse already go kiss daddy goodbye he's in the kitchen" I said watching them run off I heard them tell him bye and he told them have a good day and they came back. Just S I was about to walk out behind them I heard him call out to.

"So I don't get a bye Cat that's cold" he said smirking as he leaned against the wall.

"Bye Aug" I said laughing s little.

"Where's my hug?" I looked at him and raised my eyebrow then walked over to him and gave him a hug. But just as I was about to pull away and leave he leaned down and kissed my cheek then smiled and walked away.

This man just...


I know y'all like nigga what you doing?! Well a nigga was just playing around I mean I was serious about the hug part I wanted one before she left the house, the kiss and wink part was just for the hell of it shit only live once right? After they left I went right upstairs and climbed into bed a nigga was tired as hell running behind these kids is work. Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone rang and I sighed and picked up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said not bothering with trying to be polite.

"Hey um I need your help...please" Who the fuck??

"Who the fuck are youuu?!" I asked sitting up. Bitches done lost they minds!!

"It's Angel...August look I know you hate me but I have no one else to call and my ex is trying to kill me!" She said crying into the phone. I ain't even supposed to be talking to this girl much less helping her...but I ain't cold hearted either...God dammit!

"Where are you?" I said sighing and rubbing my face apart.

"I'm on the upper eastern side of town 23 Bronkwell...please hurry" she said. Before I could reply I heard a guy yelling and then she screamed and then the line went dead. Holy shit she was being serious.

I hopped up out of bed and pulled on my sneakers and grabbed the 9 that I kept for emergencies only and pulled on a black hoodie and ran out to the truck and headed over to the address she gave me. Hopefully I get there before that nigga do something to her, and I pray to Cat don't find out and kill my ass.

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