Chapter 30

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Cat ~a week later~ (Alyssa in the MM)

Everything's been going really good besides me and August being busy as ever him preparing for tour and me doing photo shoots and being in the studio I'm also about to start preparing for tour to promote my Love Is album and all that good stuff I'm super excited for it but what I'm not excited for is that I don't get to see August or the kids as much as I would like too, today I have a photo shoot with Zoey and then I have to go to the studio which leaves August with AJ.

Now I don't know if I'm imagining things or something but August been acting a little bit off half the time I talk to him it's like he's dazed and he's been squinting a lot lately I don't know what's up with him and every time I ask he says he's fine.

"Babe, do you think I should wear flats or my J's" I asked walked out the closet, he got up and went into the closet and came back out with my all red Uptown's and put them in my hands.

"I think these would look better you look cute by the way" he said kissing my cheek. I smiled and went to sit on the bed and slipped the sneakers on my feet then stood up and pulled up my shorts.

Thank you baby, what are you doing today though?"

"Chilling with mini man most likely I'ma have to hit the studio and all that, what you doing after the photo shoot?" he asked locking his phone.

"Probably gonna take Zoey with me to go get a mani-pedi then come home, I'm probably gonna trim my hair though" I said throwing it up in a messy bun, every time I do a photo shoot I end up in the salon washing all the sprays out of my hair they never add heat to my hair because my hair naturally curls on it's own.

I grabbed my purse and my phone then looked at August.

"Alright then I'll see you later baby gimme a kiss" I said leaning down, he looked up and smiled then pecked my lips. "That wasn't a kiss baby" I said pouting.

"Alright come here" he said pulling me into his lap, he grabbed my face and kissed me. I pulled back and pecked his lips then got up and smiled.

"Have fun working today" I said skipping out the room to Zoey' and walked in.

"You ready mamas?" I asked leaning against the wall. She had on exactly what I had on a Street Graphics t-shirt and a pair of white shorts and her red Uptown's with the strap hanging in the back.

"Yess, mommy I'm hungry" she said picking up her cross body bag.

"What do you want to eat it has to be something fast though" I said picking her up.

"Mom I'm to big to get carried" she said frowning.

"Oh well you weren't gonna be down the stairs quick enough baby girl and our ride is gonna be here soon" I said walking into the kitchen I pulled open one of the cabinets and put her down on the counter. "Okay baby girl what does mommy's big girl want?"

"A granola bar!" she said pushing reaching up into the cupboard.

'Which one do you want? We got honey'n'oats, peanut butter, nut crisps, sweet and salty, and yogurt"

"I want the peanut butter" she said kicking her legs back and forth. I took one out the box and grabbed two sweet and salty ones for myself and two bottles of water then picked her up and went outside just as our ride rolled up. My bodyguard got out and opened the door for me and I put Zoey in the back first and then got in after and put on her seat belt then mine. Today should be a very interesting day.


There's been a lot going on with me but I haven't told Cat yet and I know she knows something is wrong, but she isn't pushing the matter. I'm blind in my left eye and I'm slowly losing sight in the other, I went to a doctor and he told me I have Ocular Disease and the only thing that could possibly help me is if I have eye surgery as soon as possible and since if I don't tell her she'll probably beat my ass after the surgery I'ma tell her later today because the surgery is scheduled for tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now