Chapter 34 Pt 3

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August ~2 months later ~

These past two months have been interesting Cat's been working a lot more she's not really home unless she's taking care of Elijah and even then she's not really around she also got modeling offer but she wants to turn it down but we all know I'm not letting that happen chances like this one don't get handed out and I feel like she's worked so hard for this, to hard to just walk away from it like that.

Alyssa and Nayla basically live here now because Alyssa been helping me out with the kids but my head been kind of messed up lately cause I've been having some really disturbing thoughts, like I shouldn't be having the thoughts I am but their there alright but I'm fighting cause I love the woman I got.

Right now I'm working on the last details for this second wedding its not gonna be nothing big just me Cat the kids and close friends and family she wants it simple but still nice, I'm also getting us tickets to go to Cancun for a week because I feel like Cat been stressing lately she tries not to show it but I see it.

"Hey Aug have you seen my phone" Alyssa said poking her head into the room.

"Nahhh last I seen it it was on the kitchen table" I said not looking away from my computer.

After I realized the door never closed I looked up and seen her standing in the doorway with barely anything on staring at me.

"What you staring at?" I asked turning my attention back to the computer.

"Nothing really just got lost in thought" she said nonchalantly. Ima need her to get out of here wearing hardly a damn thing. She finally took her ass out the room closing the door behind her, I shook my head and finished up on the computer before getting up.

"I need to get out this damn house for the day" I said as I went and looked for something to wear.

I pulled out a pair of black jeans a grey Tru shirt and my concrete grays while I was looking for my keys AJ walked in the room and climbed up on the bed and started humming obviously waiting for me to turn around.

"What you need lil man?" I asked looking at him.

"Where you going?"

"Out for some fresh air, you wanna come?" I asked looking for my gray snap back.

"Yeah I'll be right back!" He said zooming out the room.

While he went and got ready I went into Elijah's room and smiled as I watched him sleep, I can't tell y'all how happy I am that Eli came into this world when he did, he helped me realize how much I gotta get my shit together because I have a lot going on now, I gently picked him up out of his crib and got him dressed in something similar to what I had on and put him in his car seat then packed his baby bag, and carried him downstairs with his stroller.

When I walked into the living room I felt Alyssa burning a hole in my face but I didn't even look at her I just put my son down and went to go make him some bottles cause I was planning on being out the rest of the day with my boys. As I walked into the living room AJ came downstairs in exactly what I had on with him MCM back pack I swear this little boy man.

"Where you guys headed to?" Alyssa asked glancing at us.

"Out for a drive we need to get away from all the progestorone in this house lil man take this out to the car for me will ya?" I asked handing AJ the baby bag. He took the bag and walked out.

"Dwaddy what's progwestone?" Nayla asked looking confused.

"That's something you'll figure out when your older baby, now both of you come gimme a kiss before I leave." I said kneeling down, they both ran over to me and hugged me tight giving me a kiss on the cheek, I couldn't help but smile I been blessed with some great kids.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now