Chapter 1

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"MOMMY TELL AJ TO GIVE ME BACK MY DOLL!!" I sighed and rolled over in bed and checked the time 8:30...why are they up this early?? I don't know but they need not be yelling.

"MOMMY!!" I got out of bed and saw her standing in my doorway with tears pooled in her eyes. I done told that little boy stop taking his sisters stuff!

"Come here baby girl...AJ!!" I picked her up and went down the hall to his room and saw him sitting on the floor tying her doll to the train tracks laid out on his floor. "Little man what have I said about taking your sisters toys?? We've been over this tie your action figures to the tracks" I said taking her doll from him and giving it back to her.

"But mom!" he said folding his arms.

"But mom nothing did you brush your teeth yet?" I asked messing with his curls.

"Noooo" he said looking up at me. I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"Well go brush your teeth while I go make breakfast how you feeling about blueberry waffles scrambled eggs and bacon?"

"YAYY!!" I laughed and put him down and watched him run off to his bathroom. I went to Zoey's room and told her to go brush her teeth and then went downstairs to get started on breakfast. Going down the steps my phone rang and I sighed when I saw the number it's that time again.

~Phone convo~

"Good morning Jason" I said pulling everything from the fridge.

"Good morning Cathandra I'm just calling to remind you August gets the kids today"

"I remembered Jason what time does he want me to drop them off?"

"Actually I was hoping you could come into my office today" I stopped and my eyebrows bunched together then I sighed.

"Jason I have no intentions on meeting August so if he wants his kids he knows the agreement we made" I said putting my hand on my hip.

"And he does know that believe me he does I just needed to ask you something.....I think it's time you served him the papers Cathandra"

"You know of that agreement we're only still married for the sake of the kids Jason...and who are you to tell me that it's time to serve divorce papers?? Look just give me the time he's gonna want to pick up the kids and I'll have them ready packed and at my mothers house"

"He said around 10, 10:15 he want them up until next Tuesday and when was the last time you spoke to his mother?"

"Okay and about two days ago why?"

"She hasn't contacted him and neither has his sister"

"Well I'll head over later after i drop off the kids and see what's up then I'll give you a call"

"Okay thanks enjoy the rest of your day"

"Mhmm you too Jason"

"You know he still misses you right?" I sighed.

"Goodbye Jason" I hung up the phone and continued making breakfast. After I was done I called the kids downstairs and let them eat while I packed their bags for the next couple of days.


Today I get to see my kids aka my little rascals I love em more than I love myself and it's crazy my lawyer just called me and let me know he already gave Cat a heads up so I'm just gonna sit back and relax until it's time to leave out just as I turned on the tv the doorbell rung.

"COMING!" I jogged to the door and pulled it open and smiled.

"Morning Anthony" she said giving me a hug.

"Morning Jai what's up ma?" I said as I hugged her back then I let her in.

"Nothing just dropping in on you, what you been up to lately?"

"Nothing much really I just been chilling working how about you"

"Same....I'm moving Anthony"

"Where and why?" I asked surprised.

"Memphis...and because my mom is really sick and they don't know if she's gonna live for much longer" she said trying her best not to cry. This is the first time I ever saw this side of her, I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her cheek.

"It's gonna be okay Jai, I would come with you but I got the kids for the rest of the week"

"No it's okay I understand how are they?" she said smiling. This is what I like about her she can always smile in the worst situation.

"Their good I can't wait to see them though works had me flooded I think this is just what I need some time alone with my kids"

"You know your the best dad I've ever met you love your kids so much I don't get why Cat wants to be stubborn" she said shaking her head.

As much as I hate to say it Cat is being stubborn she doesn't want to hear it but she is even her mom said so her dad on the other hand....we're not that close, her mom actually sat down and listened to my side of everything and what I had to say, I do know my momma and my sister still talk to Cat but they won't tell me nothing so I know she has em under oath to keep quiet.

"I mean I understand why she is so I can't be mad I just wanna talk to her get to understand what really happened but you know"

"I told you let me set it up" she said laughing.

"And I told you ya ass is crazy that girl will not be going some where with anyone she doesn't know and trust me when I say her hands is crazy Cat gives it up" I said chuckling.

"I can always chloroform her you know"

"You will not be drugging the mother of my kids you know how much trouble you would be in not only that we'd both be dead when she wakes up" I said laughing. I swear this girl is crazy man. I looked at the time and hopped up. "Look I gotta go get the kids from Mrs.Johnson's house so I guess I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah..wait is it okay if I come with you I wanna say bye to the kids it's only right" she said getting up as well.

"Yeah that won't be a problem I'm sure they miss seeing you too just gimme a minute to grab my shoes and pull on something and we can go" I jogged upstairs and pulled on a plain white shirt and some J's then grabbed the keys to the jeep then me and Jai left out.

Alright you guys know what to do vote comment and share give me your feedback and thoughts on this story as well. By the way the picture at the top is the twins.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now