Chapter 2

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Andrew in the media. 😍🔥🙌💪


I just got to my moms house but instead of leaving like I usually do I figured I'd stay a while so I could talk to her catch up a little bit since I haven't really had the time.

"So mom how's things been?" I asked sitting across from her at the dinning room table.

"They've been good how have you been though I barely see you your always at work now" she said handing me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you, and things have been good for me I guess, works really the only thing I have to do besides spending time with the kids honestly" I said shrugging.

"Hmmm what are you doing after you leave from here?"

"Umm I'm gonna hit the studio for the next few days and then catch up on some sleep" I said yawning.

"Cathandra your working yourself to much you need to stop this already" I sighed because I knew where this was going and I didn't have the time.

"Mom look I'm fine okay nothing is gonna happen alright look how about this instead of me going to the studio me and you can spend the day together" I said pushing my hair out of my face.

"I can spend the day with you tomorrow today you go and get so-" before she could finish her sentence the doorbell rang and I got up to go answer it.

"Ma I told you I was fine" I said before I pulled the door open but when I saw who was behind it my heart stopped. I should've let my mom open the damn door. I looked at him for a second then looked at the girl that was by his side she looked shocked but scared. Why whould she be scared or rather yet shocked? August on the other hand I couldn't read his face but if I could he was probably wishing I wasn't here.

"DADDY!!!" Zoey yelled running out the door and ran up to him.

"Hey baby girl how you doing"

"I'm fine but AJ keeps taking my toys even when mommy tells him not to"

"I gave it back!" AJ said finally coming to the door. "Hi Ms.Jaileen" Oh so he got my kids around this bitch???? That's cute I should slap the shit out of him but I'ma keep my hands to myself.


As I pulled up to Mrs.Johnsons house I saw a gray pathfinder in the driveway but I couldn't tell whose it was so I just ignored it.

"You wanna come up or stay here?" I asked Jaileen as I turned off the car.

"I'm coming up" she said taking off her seatbelt. I nodded and got out and made my way to the front door with Jai trailing behind me. Here we go with this routine again. Mrs.J is gonna open the door hand me the kids bags and then ask how I'm doing and I lie and say I'm okay then I leave.

I rang the doorbell and waited then turned and looked at the car in the driveway but turned around as the front door was being unlocked, but when I looked mentally preparing to go through the How are you feeling piece I stopped in slight shock as the woman I swore to that I would never hurt stood in front of me so many emotions were going on inside but I managed to keep them off my face I wanted to hug her so bad but I knew what would happen if I did so I kept my hands to myself and just stood there.

"DADDY!!!" Zoey yelled running past her, I snapped out of my daze and bent to pick her up.

"Hey baby girl how you doing" I asked smiling big. I love my kids so much I don't think I would live if she didn't let me see them at all.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now