Chapter 32

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I think I might have fallen asleep waiting for August to get out of surgery because the next thing I know a nurse was shaking me slightly calling my name.

"Yes??" I said yawning slightly.

"Sorry to wake you Mrs. Alsina but I just thought I'd let you know the surgery was successful and that Mr. Alsina should make a full recovery" she said smiling sweetly.

"Oh thank you can I go see him?" I asked getting to my feet. God these chairs are uncomfortable.

"Sure right this way he should be ready to leave in the next half hour the doctor has to run some things over with you two first" she said leading me to the back.

I nodded and followed her not really sure what to expect, I just wanted my husband to be fine and be able to see as long as he was fine and had his vision I didn't care about anything else. If August lost his vision for good he would be devastated not only that he would never get to see his baby girl/boy or any of his kids for that matter grow up.

"This is it right here" the nurse said stopping outside his room.

"Okay thank you so much" I said smiling, she gave a slight nod and went back down the hall to do God knows what, I looked at the door and took a deep breath before turning the knob and walking in, the doctor looked like he had just finished talking to August about something most likely good cause August was all smiles.

"Mrs. Alsina nice to meet you I'm Dr. McCarthy your husband should make a full recovery he has to keep those eye protectors on for the next 12-14 hours just to keep bacteria from getting into his eyes and then after that he would need to take these eye drops three times a day for the dryness and possible irritability he might experience" he said handing me the bag with his stuff in it.

"I'll make sure he's well taken care of Doc" I said smiling slightly. I looked over at Aug and smiled gosh I love this man so much.

"Alright well I'll let you sign these release forms for him and then you two can be on your way" he said smiling. I nodded and sat down on the chair next to where August was sitting in the chair.

"Did it hurt?" I asked after the doctor left the room.

"Like hell it did" he said as we both started laughing.


"Yes my beautiful amazing wife?" I giggled and shook my head.

"I love your ugly ass" I said kissing his cheek.

"I love you too with your short ass and you missed a spot"

"Nah I didn't I didn't miss a thing all cause I gotta be short" I said making him laugh.

"You sound upset" he said chuckling.

"I'm fine I'm juust fine" I said looking down at my stomach. Should I tell him now? Nah I'm gonna wait til after these next few hours.

I leaned down and pecked his lips just as the doctor came back in with the papers for me to sign, I quickly signed them then helped August out of the building and into the car so I could take him home, he's leaving really soon so I wanna make the best of the time I have with him.


I ain't gone lie a niggas eyes hurt but I can't really complain much cause this medicine is starting to kick in earlier in the hospital I was supposed to ask Cat something but it slipped my mind and now I just can't seem to figure out what it is but I'll remember it by the time we get back to the house, I know I gotta leave my baby right after I get these damn pads off my eyes so I wanna make the best of the time we got now.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now