Chapter 17

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Right now a nigga at home chilling I'm gonna be handling a lot of shit tomorrow, I gotta change my number then head to the studio then an interview, photo shoot, I got a lot on my plate. Just then my phone bringing me from my thoughts, I picked up without looking at the caller ID and put the phone to my ear.


"Get yo ass over to my house right the fuck now! Yo ass is in some deep shit" Cat yelled. Awh shit...what the fuck happened?

"What you mean I ain't do nothing!"

"And you still talking get your ass in the car and get over here now cause if I come over there it's gonna be worse I'm already pissed off!" Oh shit what the fuck got into her??

"Alright alright what about the kids?"

"Bring my damn kids" and with that she hung up.

Ya'll see how damn bipolar this girl is yelling at a nigga and shit for nothing I ain't do shit since she left earlier. But I got my ass up and quickly got the kids and drove over there may God help me when I get over there.

As I pulled up in front of the house I noticed Cat's car windows broken. What the hell happened. I got out and picked the kids up and was about to take them when Derek walked up to me.

"I'll watch them she's uh well you'll see" he said scratching the back of his neck. I nodded and told the kids to go with him and went up to the door that swung open before I could do anything.

"Get in" she said mean mugging the shit out of me. I just walked pass her and into the house and went to go sit.

"Nah uh stand that ass up who the fuck you went and seen in my car cause that hoe came here and got disrespectful and on top of that broke my fucking windows so talk cause I wanna know why you couldn't take YOUR CAR to go see YO HOE!! Like that's so fucking disrespectful especially if that bitch was riding with you in my shit!!" She yelled keeping her distance I know she wanted to swing but I was confused until I remembered who it was the one time I took her car ever.

"Oh so you remember and don't fucking lie to me cause by the look on yo face you do you need to control yo hoes go to the hospital and tell that bitch I want the 50 grand to replace my damn windows cause if I go I'm killing her" she said nothing but seriousness in her tone.

"Cat is that blood on your shirt?! What the fuck did you do?!" I said just now realizing it.

"I beat the bitch ass cause she busted up in my house looking for yo ass and I told her get out but she didn't so I decked her and she broke my fucking windows I'm so fucking sick of your little thots August like for real for real why the fuck I always gotta go through it because of you I stay fighting now and I'm a grown ass woman with two fucking kids!!"

"Cat look I'm sorry I didn't know alright, I d- wait she don't even live on this side what the fuck, look I'll pay for your windows alright just please calm down, your mad I get that I'm sorry for everything all the fucked up shit I did I'm sorry I ain't been faithful like I was supposed to be but got dammit Cat I fucking love you I'm tired of us fighting! I'm tired of everybody coming in between us I already told my mom I'm done with the hoes I'm focused on you the kids and my future but I can't do that if you don't let me try" I said looking into her eyes.

".....I let you try before and you still messed up...I love you I do but..if there's no progress in between this marriage counseling shit August I'm done I'm leaving for good"

"That's fair" I said looking down. "I'm really sorry about your car especially since I know it's your favorite one".

"It's coo I think the damage I did to that bitches face was more than enough payment she better stay her ass in her lane disrespectful thot ass" she said going into the kitchen. "Oh and August?" She said popping back into the living room.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now