Chapter 6

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I just got back in the kids are asleep thanks to Cat, I really think we're on the road to getting back together but like everyone says I have to take my time with it I can't rush anything. This is the first conversation we've had outside that office and I think it went fairly well.

After I put the kids in bed I went back downstairs and made myself something to eat and went to watch a movie but changed my mind. Cat's right I need to get back to writing and being in the studio. I got up and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil and started writing, everything and anything that came to mind, I was writing for at least and hour and half or so maybe longer before I fell asleep. 

~Le Hour Later~ 

I woke up to my phone ringing and Zoey crying. I got up and went to where she was and picked her up.

"What's wrong mamas?" I asked trying to calm her down.

"AJ h-h-hit m-me" she said rubbing her eyes. I don't wanna whoop his ass cause if I do he might not survive. I ran back to the living room and answered my phone cause it had started ringing again.

"Hello??" I answered making my way upstairs. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up?" Jaileen asked.

"Nahh Zoey's crying and you calling woke me up" I said chuckling.

"Aww why is she crying?"

"Cause AJ hit her I swear if I put  my hands on this little boy he's gonna regret it"

"Don't do that just talk to him" she said giggling. I looked at the phone like this girl lost her damn mind.

"Jai we're black we don't talk we whoop ass then we talk" I said making her laugh.

"Hey nigga your all black I'm black and Dominican" 

"Then I get to say this...SHUT YO DOMINICAN ASS UP!!! Nah I'm just playing I gotta go handle this little boy cause it's to late in the day for him to be acting up." 

"That's not nice but okay bye August"

"Bye Jai" I said before I hung up, I walked into AJ's room and saw him on the floor playing with his toys. "Little boy why the hell you putting hands on your sister???" I asked shifting Zo slightly in my arms.

"Because she took my toy truck" he said without looking up.

"One when I'm talking to you don't act like you grown and since you wanna act like you grown you don't need to be playing with toys. Two don't ever in your life put your hands on a female you here me and the next time you put your hands on your sister I'ma whoop your ass, now apologize to your sister." 

"...I'm sorry for hitting you Zoey and I won't do it again" he said looking down at his feet. Zoey wiggled her way down to the floor and hugged him and he hugged her back.

"It's okay I still love you" she said shrugging.

 "Now you pack those toys back up and get your butt in bed it's past your bedtime, both of you" I said waiting for Zoey to walk out.

"Daddy can we please play just a little bit longer" Zo asked giving me her best puppy dog face. I tried not to give in but I did.

"Yeah go ahead but you guys only got a half hour" I said sighing.

"Thank you daddy" she said skipping over to the pile of toys.

"Your lucky your sister saving you right now" I walked out and went downstairs, just as I was about to go into the kitchen the doorbell rang and I sighed and went back to answer it. My damn jaw nearly dropped to the floor when I saw the girl standing in front of me.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now