Chapter 21

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Sooo right now I'm back at August' house packing AJ's bag to take to Ms.Sheila's house and August is across the hall packing ZoZo's bag. After we left from that bar and grill place we came back to pack clothes for the kids.

"You done yet?" Aug asked coming into the room.

"Uh yeah you ready?" I asked closing the bags.

"Yeah I was waiting on you but you were taking forever" he said taking them from me.

"I don't want him running around not matching and you better not have grabbed the first thing you saw for Zoey either you know she's picky" I said following him out the room. As I walked down the hall I looked at the walls and all the family pictures that were hung up.

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't" he said looking back at me as he went down the stairs.

"You better turn around before you trip and fall I'm not trying to get arrested for your death" I said jokingly.

"I got this" he said laughing.

"August...can I ask you something?" I bit the side of my lip and thought carefully about my next question.

"You know you can ask me anything, what's up?" he said setting the bags down at the door and turning to me.

"Uhh what are we gonna do until next week because I'm supposed to be in the studio"

"So am I but we can cancel I mean I already talked to my manager and everything while I was packing" 

"Alright so I'll call Mikey and everything and push all my studio sessions to next week" 

"Aii cmon I already told ma we were on our way" he said taking the bags outside. 

I hear a thud then grunt and walk out. I see a few bags on the floor bust open. I go to yell at August but when I look at him I see him passed out on the ground. I rush over to him and shake him.

"August baby, wake up." I say. 

I grab my phone and call 911. I check his pulse and continue to try and wake him. Tears start flowing out my eyes. A few moments later the ambulance and police show up. They put him on the stretcher and rush him to the ambulance. They put him in, I toss the bags into the house and close the door then hop into the truck and they speed off in the direction of the hospital. 

"BP is 210 over 100 and rising. Step on the gas pedal Randy." The paramedic says.

"Tyrone this is as fast as we can go, remember we have a 20 car pile up, I gotta take the streets." The other Paramedic says. 

"Alright just hurry up, his temperature is dropping." Tyrone says. 

"The pile up is on I-35. We might have to stabilize him here in the truck!" Randy says.

"Take him to Memorial, Take Lincoln Ave, then turn onto Lenox Road, Make a left on Plurea Rd. Make the first right you see and drive all the way down. Memorial is right there just please please hurry this is my husband, the love of my life and the father to my kids." I say while holding his hand. "Baby please please come on and wake up. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry for everything a- and I need you August, I-I love you." I clear my throat and tears continue to fall.

The paramedic takes my directions and speeds down the streets. Once we get there they rush him off the truck and inside. They rush him straight to the Emergency Room. The nurse stops me at the double doors. I start looking over her shoulder while shes talking to me. 

"Ma'am please calm down and take a seat." She says.

"Lady, that man in there is my husband, the father to my kids. Don't you ever, in your life, tell me to calm down when it comes to my family, when it comes to my husband. You don't understand how I feel right now, so before you tell me to calm down, realize what is at stake for me. So please tell me when I can see him. Other then that, if it doesn't involve him, don't speak to me at all." I say as I walk to the waiting room and start pacing. I call his mother and continue to wait.

"August baby please pull through this..." I mumble to myself..

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now