Chapter 10

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Lord I hope you can forgive me for what I'm about to do.... I thought just before I uppercut the shit out of Angel knocking her out and used the same ropes she used to tie me up to keep her ass restraint. I grabbed my phone, keys and my gun and made my way up the steps I checked the door and like I thought it was locked. I kicked at the door til it broke off the hinges and ran right out the house right now my family is the most important thing and if anything happens to them both Angel and that nigga Jason are gonna be 12 ft under no questions about it.

As soon as I got out I turned on my phone and climbed into my car speeding down the street and dialing Cats number, but for some reason she wasn't answering, just as I was about hang up the phone she answered.

"Where are you Aug?!" I swear I started cheesing just to hear her voice even if she was yelling.

"I'm on my way back to the house but listen to you need to get the kids and get out the house Cat!"

"I already left I was about to come looking for you, Aug what's going on?" I heard her voice crack and I knew she was about to cry.

"I'll explain it to you later baby girl where are the kids?"

"In the back seat I'm on my way to my moms house"

"Okay go there and don't leave til I come get you guys I gotta go okay?" I said dodging through cars.


"Yeah Cat?"

"I....I love you, please be careful, I won't be able to handle making up a story for the kids if something happened to you" she whispered, probably making sure the kids didn't hear. But a smile was on my face just because she those three words.

"I love you too and you don't have to worry about me, I'm not going no where" I said as I turned down on our street.

"..good see you soon"

"Bye baby girl kiss the kids for me" I said before hanging up. I cocked the gun and got out the car, there was another car in the driveway and the lights were on inside. How dumb can this fuck nigga get??

I made my way inside and checked downstairs first when I heard something crash upstairs I ran up there and saw movement in Cats room down the hall. He still ain't realize nobody here. So I strolled my ass to the door all calm and shit and leaned against the doorframe and cleared my throat.

"Find what you looking for bitch boy" I asked pointing the gun at him.

"What the f- that bitch Angel can't do shit right!" He cursed pointing his at me.

"Look nigga Ion wanna have to kill ya ass so do yourself a favor I already had someone call the cops for your friend and trust me the urge to bust a cap in both y'all asses is ridiculous so I suggest we do this the easy way get the fuck out my house and turn yourself in or I kill you pick one" I said calmly.

Only lord knows I wanted to rip that nigga throat out right there. I guessed he loved his life cause he lowered his gun and put it back in his waist and headed right for the door and ran downstairs. Before I left I checked the other rooms and everything was fine. Shiit if it wasn't his ass would've been mine. Bitch ass motherfucker now lemme go get my wife and kids.


Honestly I was scared as hell right now August wouldn't tell me what was going on and that's really all I wanted to know honestly, because the fact that me and the kids could've been in trouble is what's upsetting me. When we got to my moms house she was surprised and when I told her what happened she couldn't believe it, I don't wanna think August' past is coming back to haunt him cause you know it's been way to long they could've did something about this years ago why wait til now, it had to be something recent for whoever they were to come after me and the kids.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now