Chapter 11

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Cat ~one month later~

The twins birthday is next month and me and August are deciding on what to do because honestly we've done a lot for the kids believe it or not, I was thinking about bringing them out to New York for a few weeks so they can see the snow and all that but I don't know.

In case your wondering me and August have been good we worked out a lot of problems we even plan on getting our vows renewed as soon as we finish working on our hectic schedules and all that me personally I've been in the studio a little less than I used to but I'm still getting work done right now I'm watching tv waiting for August to get back with the kids he decided to take them to the park I don't know why cause it's still early which mean when they get back..they ain't sleeping tonight and I will not be running around.

I also got a hold of Jason and lets just say the doctors thought he got beat up by a gang cause I damn sure ran into him with my brass knuckles, my Timberlands, a steel pipe and a few walls....and my car I still have yet to see that crazy bitch though word is she been sent to a nut house...yeah cause she needed one and bad and if she didn't need one before she would've needed one after I was done with her shoot, nobody plays with my family and gets away with it!

Just then my phone rang pulling me from my thoughts I looked at the screen and laughed.

"Didn't you just leave the house?" I said smiling.

"Yeah so, I miss my baby" this nigga right here I swear I love him.

"Aww I miss you too babe what are the kids doing?" I asked going into the kitchen to get something eat.

"Being kids running around ZoZo made a new friend and so did Aj I mean AJ's friend is a girl but aye I ain't complaining he pulling em early" he said laughing.

"August don't be having my son out there pulling in girls I want my son to be a gentleman NOT a player" I said making him chuckle.

"Baby girl calm down it's not even like that he's just friends with the girl she came over all smiling and he was like daddy why she grinning like that? Friend zoned her real quick" when he said that I couldn't help but start laughing.

"Oh my god I swear these kids are just to much like us"

"Especially your daughter she saw some boy and said daddy I like his hat make him give it to me so I said you can't have it she goes but I want it so make him give it to me or I'll go get it myself and trust me daddy that won't be pretty I swear I fell out when she said that I just told her I'd get her the same hat because she really was fixing to go over there" he said laughing.

"I swear these kids are gonna be such a handful if they keep this up" I said laughing, ZoZo is a trip man.

"They already are, oh I got something for you when we get back"

"What's my surprise?" I asked smiling slightly.

"You'll see when I get back just get dressed in something cute, I gotta go I love you"

"I love you too bye" I hung up and went upstairs.

I wonder what he has planned. I went to the closet and picked out my outfit then set it aside and started messing with my hair to see how I wanted to style it. After a few minutes of that I just decided to leave my hair down I'd let it grow out these past months and now it just a little bit past my back dimples, yup I'm back to being able to sit on my hair again and I love it! I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower and waited for the steam to fill up the room before getting in and scrubbing myself nice ad clean then washed my hair and shaved then got out and plugged in my blow dryer, curling iron and flat iron. I hooked my phone up to the speakers in the room and started playing my music singing along to a few songs.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now