Chapter 34 pt. 1

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August -After Tour-

It's been a few days since I've been home tour was wild as shit I caught a couple panties and bras the fans was wild, but right now I'm spending some much needed family time with my wife and kids because shortly after me leaving Cat decided she wasn't gonna bother going on tour because of the fact that she was already two months pregnant, I seriously think we're having a boy but Cat thinks that it's a girl. Well today she has a doctors appointment so we're gonna find out what she's having, since she refused to have the doctor tell her without me being there I mean she's 8 months now so she's basically about to pop lil man out anyway.

The kids are happy their having another sibling to watch over at first they weren't so happy but I guess he grew on them after a while. All in all I got shit together and I'm happy about it, I've been spending time with Nayla, she's an amazing little girl and I can already tell she's gonna be a handful Alyssa and Cat are actually really close from what I heard they were spending time together with the kids while I was on tour but I know it still hurts cause I can see it in her eyes but I'm glad that she can accept this and not have any animosity towards Alyssa because I don't need my wife or baby momma fighting cause that's just not gonna work.

"Babe you ready to go yet?" I asked coming into the bedroom. She turned around and waddled out of the closet with her flip flops in her hand.

"Yeah I'm ready but I'm not putting these on til we get there my feet are gonna swell" she said pouting. I walked over to her and pecked her lips.

"Stop pouting you look fine your still beautiful and always will be okay, now let's go see how my boys doing" I said rubbing her stomach. Her bump is big but not nearly as big as when she had Zoe and AJ but it's big.

"Why you assuming its a boy huh? What if we end up having a girl?" She asked as we made our way down the stairs. I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"Zoey AJ let's go" I said turning off the TV. They got up and ran past me outside where Cat was waiting, I walked out locking the door on my way out then helped Cat strap the kids in and helped her into the front seat then ran around to my side and got in. I had to drop the kids off at mama Dria's house and then head to this doctors appointment.

"Babe you still picking up Lala?" Cat asked looking over at me.

"Yeah but after you doctors appointment" I said looking at her as we pulled up to a red light.

We both looked back and saw Zo locked on her iPod playing a game, she's still a little hesitant when it come to Nayla but she's not as....mean as she was when they first met at least that's what Cat told me she plays with her but most of the time she's locked up in her room whenever Nayla comes around, I don't know how long it's gonna take for her to fully accept this but it's been to long, I get that she's still getting used to it I get that but she need to stop it.

"Baby the light" Cat said just as the car behind me started blowing it's horn. I sighed pulling off just as my phone rung.

"Baby get that for me please" I said not taking my eyes off the road. She reached into my pocket pulled out the phone and answered it.

"Hello?............ Whoa whoa slow down what happened..........Dee stop yelling what do you mean they don't want it to get out what are you talking about baby girl.........oh my god.......oh my god......okay okay I'll talk to him about no it's fine mamas I got it...yeah I'm sure don't worry" Cat hung up and her jaw was still dropped. I pulled up in her parents driveway and looked at her.

"What's going on? What was Delia yelling about?" I asked as I got out to take the kids out the booster seats.

"Someone spilled to the press about Nayla and Alyssa...." She said still trying to process everything.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now