Chapter 29

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Cat ~four days later~

Well today we go for another round of counseling although we don't have a reason to anymore I paid the lady for the first three sessions so I'm gonna get my money's worth. I had to kick August out the room so I could get dressed because he kept playing with me. I slipped on my grey skinny jeans along with a black polo shirt and slipped on my sandals then threw my hair up in a messy bun then grabbed my cross-body bag and made my way downstairs.

"UGLYY I'M READY!!!" I yelled as I got to the last step. August looked up at me from his spot on the couch then looked around the room.

"Who you calling ugly?"

"Your the only other person in this room and I'm definitely not ugly"

"Yeah we'll go with that right there, cmon lets go...I don't get why we gotta keep going we basically fixed everything over the course of 3 days" he said as we walked out the house.

"Because I paid for three sessions and I can't get a refund sooo therefore we have to go for these last two sessions after that it's over" I said slipping on my sunglasses. We got in the car and turned on the radio just Fetty Wap's Again came on and August sneak tried to change the station.

"Pull that hand back" I said without looking up from my phone. 

"Damnnn you got eyes in the side of your head now?" he asked laughing.

"No I just knew you were gonna change the station because I was gonna start singing the song" I said smiling. He nodded and turned it up that kind of surprised me but I was even more surprised when he started singing along to the chorus!

"OOKKKKAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!" I started laughing and made a quick Instagram video and posted it. When he starts singing the same song he tried to change lml #RidinRound.

"You really had to do that didn't you" he said making me laugh. I nodded and took an extra picture then posted that as well and got off of Instagram.

About 20 minutes later we pulled up in front of the building got out and went inside, I walked up the counter and looked at the girl behind the desk.

"Hello I'm here to see Ms. Jackson" I said smiling slightly.

I felt August wrap his arm around me from the back and blushed a little bit, funny part is it was the same receptionist from last time the look she gave me would've gotten a lot of other people in trouble but August poked my sides making me laugh. "Boy if you don't behave" I said smacking his hands away.

"Nahhh I'm good" he said kissing my cheek.

The girl looked at us and called Reyna to let her know we were here and then sent us to the back. I grabbed August's hand and walked to the back.

"Babe...your ass got hella big" he said squeezing it slightly.

"......No not in public no groping" I said making him laugh.

"But it's true do you see how big it is I know you was struggling to get these jeans on cause they tight as shit on you" I couldn't help but bust out laughing when he said that because it was true I was having the only struggle to get these jeans up over my ass this morning.

"I admit nothing" I said calming myself down.

"Mhmm cause you know it's true plus I heard you in the bathroom this morning" he said smirking. I shook my head and knocked on the door to her office and she opened it smiling after she took one look at us.

"So I figure this week has been good to you both?" she said letting us in.

"Yeah it's treated us good" I said smiling.

"Real good" August said making us laugh.

"Excuse him once again he just doesn't understand that somethings can't be said like that whether or not he's just hinting" I said hitting his arm.

"I'll just act like I didn't hear him say all that, now lets see what exactly has been going on besides the extracurricular activities?" she said chuckling slightly.

"Well let's see we went to the beach the movies where he almost killed the the guy at the ticket stand-" August cut me off.

"And she almost lunged her heel at one of the chicks in the parking lot-"

"She was being disrespectful, little girl you should be home doing your homework not flirting with my husband" I said cutting him off. Reyna looked between the two of us and laughed.

"Well I can't do anything about the fact that your both crazy about each other but please don't end up in jail because of that Mrs. Alsina no throwing footwear at people and Mr. Alsina no trying to commit a homicide, neither of those things are good for your careers, honestly I don't think there's anything left to do in this case everything seems fine to me just keep taking time to spend with each other as a couple even if you do it as a family, and August learn observation skills there's a very very thin line between just being a dedicated fan and flirting trust me you don't see it but Cat does and it may not seem like their flirting but they are and well I can't say same goes for Cat but you know just keep the eyes open for little things like that" she said smiling at us.

"Thanks Reyna, now when aren't you working in this office?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Um I actually go on vacation soon why?"

I looked at August and he looked at me and smiled he knew exactly what I was thinking and turned to her.

"I'm going on tour soon and the first show is in New York but I can get you out there to see the show Breezy and a couple other artists are gonna be there I could get you the tickets and backstage passes" August said letting his arm fall around my shoulder.

"That's.. I couldn't d-"

"But you can it's your vacation Reyna enjoy it"

She looked at me and August then sighed and smiled and I knew right there we got her, I mean come on that's two free tickets and backstage passes, I looked at August and he leaned over and pecked my lips, I smiled and got up.

"Alright Mr. let's go I want my kids" I said fixing my shirt. Reyna chuckled and got up to walk us to the door.

"Why can't we let my mom keep em for one more night?" August asked standing up.

"Because your mom is already watching your nieces and all of them are probably driving her insane plus I miss my babies" I said picking up my bag, he gave me the stink face and waited for me to walk out the room.

"Sure you miss em now til they start making you mad" he laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist and made our way to pick up the kids.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now