Chapter 8

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The next morning I got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth and finished packing out my stuff then went to check on the kids. I guess August came home earlier than he thought cause I remember going to sleep with ZoZo and AJ in my room. After I got the kids up I went downstairs and made some blueberry pancakes sausages eggs and bacon then made the kids plates then made one for August and me. Just as I was about to put his plate in the microwave he came into the kitchen yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Cat it smells good in here" he said pulling a bottle of orange juice from the fridge.

"Thanks this is yours I didn't wanna wake you up cause I didn't know what time you came home" I said putting his plate in front of him.

"Thanks Cat..." He said sitting down and digging in. I grabbed my plate and my cup of coffee and sat down across from him and started eating.

" did you sleep?" He asked breaking the silence. I looked up and he was looking at me waiting for an answer.

"I slept good probably the best sleep I've had in a while" I said honestly, it was true though I haven't slept as peaceful as I did last night I wake up in the middle of the night, I toss and turn its ridiculous.

"Ohh okay that's good, you gotta work today?"

"Umm no I don't not for another 2 days" I said taking a sip of my coffee.

I don't know why but out conversations are a lot easier than I thought they'd be I thought they would be all awkward..well they should be but its whatever I guess.

"Ohh okay ma is supposed to be coming today I'm not sure if she still is.."

"Ok no problem I've been meaning to talk to her" I said finishing the food on my plate. I got up and put the plate and cup in the sink and was about to wash the dishes when August stopped me.

"I got it you can go relax"

"Nah I got it" I said taking the pans off the stove and putting them in the sink.

"Still stubborn, Cat I got it go sit down" he said chuckling. I shrugged and dried my hands then went into the living room where the kids were.

"Hey my little babies" I said sitting in between them.

"Hey mommy" AJ said stuffing a piece of pancake in his mouth.

"Hi mommy" ZoZo said smiling.

"Grandma Sheila is gonna be coming over today so mommy is gonna need you two to go upstairs after your finished eating and get something together and I'll come give you your baths okay?"

"Okay" they said nodding.

I looked at my kids, AJ looked everything like August same nose ears lips smile attitude and dimples, ZoZo looked like both me and her dad but I had a feeling she was gonna end up looking like him in the future. I sighed....I still can't believe this is what everything came too I imagined my life soo different... I wish I could get things back the way they used to be when there was no problems and I wasn't living half way across town from the man that Im married too, it's really crazy how all of this turned out and even if we work things out and get back together I don't think the trust will be there I have to have some kind of trust in him first for anything to work out between us.


I seriously just had to fight myself from grabbing her and kissing her... As much as I messed up I wanna make things right and I know she doesn't trust me so I'm gonna try and build that back up...everything in me wants to just hold her and tell her I'm never leaving her side but I know I can't..not yet at least.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now