Chapter 18

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I've been in the studio all day it was actually a good day, AJ didn't give me any problems and actually helped out in a weird little way when I was rewriting my hook, they say kids give the best answers and their easier to get the truth from at least my kids are.

"Alright that's a wrap, Cat great job today, little man it was good having you in today tell mommy to bring you here more often who knows you could be the next big thing knock your dad off his thrown" Mikey said ruffling up his hair.

"I just might he has some good talent but I'll see you tomorrow Mikey tell Lilly I said hey" I said picking up AJ, my little mastermind was exhausted.

"Alright I will be safe out there" he said turning off the equipment. I nodded and made my way to the elevator.


"Yes baby?"

"I'm hungry" he said rubbing his eyes.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked getting onto the elevator?

"Mac 'N' Cheese....and fried chicken.." he said yawning.

"Are you going to stay up so I can actually feed you?" I asked bouncing him to wake him up a little.

"Yess" he said smiling.

" know mommy loves you and your sister very much right? And no matter what you guys will always be my number one priority" I said looking at him, it breaks my heart to think of the possibility of what could happen in the future. 

"Yes and I love you too mommy" he said kissing my cheek. Awe why do they grow up so fast?

"What am I gonna do with you, your a tiny ball of adorableness!" I said hugging him and pecking his cheek over and over again making him laugh.

"I'm not tiny mommy..I'm a big boy" he said laughing.

"Hmm I guess you are getting to be a big boy huh next thing I know your gonna be in high school and forget all about me start dating then your gonna move out go to college and forget all about mommy" I said fake pouting.

"Noooooo I'm never leaving I'm gonna stay with you forever!"

"Yeah you say that now watch when you get to high school" I said walking out the building and to my car. I strapped him in then got in and pulled out of my parking spot and headed home. 


Today was crazy as hell but I'm finally home and relaxing with my daughter well I was relaxing until Zo started complaining that she was hungry so I got up and started making her something to eat.

"Daddy can I stay up late tonight?" Zo asked skipping into the kitchen.

"Why you wanna stay up early all of a sudden?" I asked turning to look at her, she think she slick.

"Because I wanna watch the game tonight" 

"Whose playing?"

"Saints against Golden State mommies favorite team" she said looking up at me. Yeah she ain't ever lie that is her moms favorite team.

"Alright you can stay up and watch my team put yours in the dirt" I said smiling.

"Nooo the Saints are gonna lose tonight and then I'll let you cry on my shoulder" she said grinning. She is too much like Cat, that mouth is gonna get her in trouble.

"Go back in the living room I'll bring your food" I said turning back to the stove.

"Okay. Wait! what are you making? Please say gumbo" I shook my head and looked at her. 

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now