Chapter 20

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~A week later~


So today is gonna be the first day of counseling we have to go once a week for an hour and I'm not exactly thrilled but I have to at least try this out. I tried calling August but I couldn't reach him so I asked Travis to tell him for me, right now I'm getting dressed to leave right now. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, a white loose tank top and my red blazer and heels then grabbed my purse and keys making sure I had everything I left my hair exactly how it was when I woke up and made my way out the door locking it then got into my car and left.

I just pulled up to the address that the lady gave me and as soon as I got out guess pulled up? August mutha-lovin Alsina, I shook my head and locked the car up and stood on the sidewalk waiting for him.

"Hey" he said walking over to me.

"Let's could've told me you changed your number you know or texted me the new one" I said walking toward the double doors.

"Sorry I forgot" he said pulling open the door open and letting me in. I nodded and walked to the front desk.

"Hello I'm here to see Ms.Jackson" I said leaning against the counter I felt August' presence behind me but didn't look back. 

"Uh ye- oh my gosh your August Alsina" she said looking at him in shock, I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers in her face.

"Excuse me.. Ms. were just about to call her" I said as nicely as I could. She looked at me like if I lost my mind before coming to her senses and calling Ms. Jackson. Yeah cause it was about to get real serious in this lobby if she kept that look on her face.

I heard August chuckle behind me and looked back at him with the 'Why are you laughing???' face and shook my head when he flashed me a smile, he can't ever be serious always gotta play around like come on now Aug.

"Hello I'm Reyna Jackson it's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Alsina" Ms. Jackson said smiling. I took a good look at her and all I could think was Damnnnn! I looked at August with my eyebrows raised and then looked back at her I think he got the hint cause he tried to stop himself from laughing.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Ms.Jackson" I said smiling as I shook her hand.

"I'm August even though I think you already know that" August said shaking her hand. I shook my head and looked at him.

"I'm sorry about him and his cockiness" I said looking at her.

"That's fine it's nice to meet you two, follow me to my office if you would" she said smiling. I nodded and followed her in with August behind.

Once we got into her office she pointed to a love seat that she had set up in front of a single chair, August and I sat down and waited for her to start talking, I was just praying that things went well and that she didn't ask the wrong questions cause I didn't have any type of patience. I guess August could tell cause he nudged my arm and gave me a slight smile. Why is he still being so nice to me after I've been such a bitch to him? Then again Ms. Sheila didn't raise a disrespectful asshole I returned the smile and turned my attention back to Ms.Jackson.

"Alright lets start off simple for now, how long have you two been together" she asked grabbing a notepad.

"Just about six and half years now" I said pushing the stray hairs behind my ear they were annoying me now.

"Okay, now would you mind telling me exactly what made you guys think you needed to be here?" she asked.

"Because it's always something new with him and when I say new I don't mean stupidity even though that is what I would call his mistakes"

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now