Chapter 15

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Cat ~two weeks later~

Well today I have to do something incredibly hard I would do it some other way but I also have to get the rest of my clothes from his house. And while I do that I'm just gonna leave the ring, well rings behind, I pulled up in the driveway and sighed in relief because I didn't know if he was home or not the kids are at his moms house for the weekend so that gives me time to do what I wanna do.

I quickly got out the car and went inside using the key I had and went right upstairs and quickly started packing the rest of my clothes into the suitcase I brought with me then grabbed all my shoes and shoved them in the duffel bag and zipped it up and started dragging everything out and into my car.

Once I was done with that I took the house key off the keychain and took off the rings and put them on the coffee table, by this after noon the divorce papers will be here I already signed so all he has to do is sign his end and we can get this over with, I know a lot of people don't wanna see us break up and a lot of his fans have grown to love me but its for the best, I took one last look at the house and sighed as a tear rolled down my cheek and all the memories of everything ran through my head, I shook the thoughts away and quickly left closing and locking the door behind me and hopped into my car and quickly pulled out the driveway and down the street.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

"You need to come over AJ won't stop crying" Mama Sheila semi- yelled, now this is nothing like my son to be crying.

"Okay mama I'm on my way over" I said sighing.

Now isn't the best time but my son needs me. I made a quick turn off the highway and drove a few back streets til I got to her house and hopped out. As I got closer I could hear AJ crying and I started to get even more worried when I walked in he was in mama's lap all red in the face his shirt wet from how much he's been crying.

"AJ what's the matter?" I asked walking over which I didn't get very far because he got up and ran over to me and hugged my legs and calmed down a little bit.

"Mommy please don't leave us..we need you" he said looking up at me like he was ready to start another round of crying. I quickly picked him up and hugged him close.

"Baby mommy isn't leaving you okay don't you ever think that I would never do something like that okay mommy loves you and your sister very very much you understand me?" I asked moving his curls out of his face, I need to get him a cut soon.

"Yes mommy I just don't want you and daddy to break up again" he said looking like I just took his favorite toy then told him his puppy died. But that caught me off guard and I could tell Mama was gonna be asking questions soon.

"Baby...look mommy and daddy are....we're just trying to sort ourselves out okay? We're both still gonna be there for you and your sister ju.." I couldn't even finish my sentence because of the lump in my throat.

"AJ go play with your sister let me talk to your momma" Ms. Sheila said looking at me. I didn't even want to look her in her face. I put AJ down and watched him run off before I let the tears flood.

"Shh Cat what is going on between you two?"

"He did it again ma!"

"He didn't!" She gasped. I just nodded and started crying harder I guess I was wrong cause I had two weeks worth of tears that are just now coming out. Ma was so busy tryna calm me down we didn't even notice the front door opened.

"Aye ma you watching your so-.....Cat?" I didn't even look up I just turned the other way and continued crying I don't care at this point.

"August lemme talk to you in the kitchen" she said not even waiting for his reply she grabbed him by his ear and dragged him into the kitchen.

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