Chapter 19

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I just finished giving this little hooligan a bath and now I'm putting him to bed well I'm trying to at the least.

"AJ you need to go to sleep" I said running my fingers through my hair.

"But I'm not tired mommy" he whined jumping up and down on his bed. I had some paper work to handle and I still haven't started them yet.

"Alright how about this we go watch some tv until your tired because mommy has something to do right now" I said picking him up.

"Okay" he started playing with my hair as I walked downstairs.

I smiled slightly and turned on his favorite movie then pulled out my papers and started going through it just as my phone vibrated and I looked down and saw it was the reminder to say I had to make the appointment for counseling, I seriously forgot about that I don't know who to call I rather the damn counselor be a damn man cause I don't have time for a females slick remarks cause I will swing on someone in a heartbeat, but then again if it's a man August might put hands on the poor man. I sighed and called up Delia cause she usually has the numbers for everything and I mean everything.

 "Hello? Delia speaking how may I help you?"

"Hey bae what you up too?" I asked sifting through the papers.

"Hey boo and nothing just chilling at home with Bryan's fine ass how about you?"

"Wow and nothing working and hanging out with my little man, I need your help" I said sighing.

"Why wassup and awe I miss my little man"

"You can see him tomorrow if August takes him to work and I need to get the number for a marriage counselor..."

"Whoa rewind a marriage counselor?? I thought you were just gonna get the divorce"

"I was but...Miss Sheila convinced me to give this one more try if nothing changes by the time the finalizing court date we go ahead and get the divorce"

"Do you think it would help?"

"I mean what else do I have to loose? There's nothing left for him to break I couldn't pull the pieces back together the right way this time" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Alright I got a few people and since I already know what your looking for I'll send you the information tomorrow"

"Alright thanks De I owe you"I said smiling.

"Nah you don't owe me just bring me my boyfriend and we'll be good"

"You better leave my son alone girl" I said making her laugh.

"Tuh he's my baby too!"

"Mhmm you not gone have my son and Bryan fighting you better stop!" I said laughing.

"Bryan already know what it is girl but look I gotta go by the way we ladies need to have a day out"

"That's if I can get Zoey out the house it's like she's stuck to her dad's side"

"I mean they are one in the same they both act the same soo your basically gonna have a problem with that" She had a point Zoey and August act so much a like it's scary sometimes.

"You think I don't know that she's a daddy's girl always has been always will be" I said laughing slightly. 

"Well at some point she's gonna need her mom more than her dad so you know"

"Yeah, your right but I'm gonna let you go cause Cathandra has papers to go over"

"Uuuu what are you planning?" 

"I wanted to donate some money and stuff to local orphanages you know give little kids something to be happy about" I said honestly. 

"Awe okay I have a few people for that too you want me to contact them?"

"If you could that would be amazing" I said smiling slightly.

"Okay boo I got you I'll text you about everything tomorrow"

"Alright bye De"

"Bye Cat" I hung up and threw my phone aside and sighed. 

So theres somethings you guys don't know and also somethings that my 'parents' don't know that I know, I'm adopted. Yup you read right I Cathandra Audrey Johnson am adopted, I've kept this secret for so long and I haven't really told anyone, but lately I've been thinking about adopting I know I said two kids is my limit but I think every child deserves to know that their loved by someone even if their parents might not have.

"Aj how would youu feel about a new sibling" I asked looking for my tablet in the mess of papers. When he didn't answer me I looked over at him and laughed.

"How do you ask me to stay up then fall asleep? Just wow" I picked him up and carried him up to his bed made sure his windows were locked and went back downstairs and got to work.

Short and boring I know but I kind of have writers block right now and I don't wanna keep you guys waiting any longer than I already have so enjoy.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now