Chapter 14

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Kayla in the MM


After I dropped the kids off at my moms house I went straight to the house I was staying at after me and August first split, I have a lot of thinking to do and I really don't know how I'm feeling right now. I grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass and sat in the living room watching tv, I missed being by myself now when I think about it besides having the kids with me is just about enough I think I'm ready to serve those papers....its not that I don't love him cause I do...I just feel like he doesn't know what he wants one minute he wants to be with me and the next minute he's letting some bitch either suck him or he fucking them....I just give up I'm tired of fighting we had a good run but...I don't think it's possible that me and August can really do much to help ourselves.

~Phone convo~

"Hello Lockwell law firm Vanessa speaking how can I help you?" Just the person I wanted to answer.

"Hey Vanessa it's Cat is Devon in?" I asked quietly.

"Oh hey Mrs.Alsina and yeah he's in his office hold on let me transfer you to his line"

"Okay thanks" I smiled and waited a minute before I heard him answer.


"Hey Devon...I think I'm ready" I said sighing.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"Yeah I think it's time let him keep everything the house the cars, just everything the money everything" I said sighing I knew my voice was about to crack I need to get off the phone.

"What about the kids?"

"I want my babies we'll have joint custody that's about it I don't I just....I need this to end"

"........alright Cat I'll get the paper work and you can come down and sign them and you can take them to him or you can mail them to him"

"Mail them to him" I said looking at my ring. I slid it off my finger and put it down on the coffee table.

"Alright....and Cathandra?"


"Don't let yourself slip again..." I could here the worry in his voice and I know why I slipped into depression when I left August but this time I'm not gonna do it to myself.

"I won't, I'll be fine"

"And if your not on the third cup yet stop at the third cup"

"Goodbye Mr.Lockwell" I said laughing

"Bye Cathandra"

~End of phone convo~

After I hung up I looked at the glass and downed it he said three so that made three. I got up and put back the bottle and made my way upstairs I need to do something other than stay here cause I'm sure I'm gonna start crying and I don't need that right now.


"Man Jai I don't know I fucked up again I won't be surprised if she leaves me for good this time, I keep fucking up!"

"Look August your a great guy I'm not saying I agree with what you did cause that was an asshole move that you made I know you never intended to hurt her but you did and after everything you put her through your best bet is giving her her space"

"Oh she has her space she packed some bags and left since this morning and she still ain't come back I just....I don't want to lose her man I love that girl so much"

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now