Chapter 33

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August -later on the next day-

I finally get to take these shits off and I couldn't be happier I missed being able to see makes me feel bad for blind people because they don't know the joys of being able to see the world they live in, as soon as I took off the pads I had Cat put the eye drops in them but we stayed in bed just talking about random shit.

"Babe there's something I been meaning to tell you" Cat said sitting up. I was kind of confused as to why she looked nervous as hell but I sat up as well and held her small hands in mine.

"What's up baby talk to me" I said bringing her hands to my lips and kissing them.

"Well it's only gonna take a quick second" she said smiling. I raised my eyebrow as she climbed out of bed and grabbed one of her purses then came back and sat in front of me.

"Okay close your eyes" she said as that gorgeous smile grew more, I chuckled and closed my eyes.

"What's this about babe?" I chuckled.

"Hold your hands out and you'll find out" I held my hands out and heard her digging through her purse before something that felt like a stick was placed in my hands.

I opened my eyes and looked at her slightly confused before looking at what she put in my hands, when I saw the two pink lines I swear it did a double take between her and the test as a big ass smile broke out on my face.

"We having another baby is what your tryna tell me Cat?" I asked excitedly, this is exactly what I was hoping for I mean I know she gonna want another baby because she hates odd numbers but I don't mind giving my queen whatever it is she wants.

"Yes that is exactly what I'm telling you" she said smiling big as well.

"Man I swear I love you! Don't you ever forget that" I said pulling her into my lap as I hugged her. I'm about to be a dad again.

"I love you too" she whispered putting her face in my neck. I squeezed her a lil bit tighter rocking her from side to side then turned her face slightly so I could give her a kiss.

"We should go celebrate" I said as I rubbed her stomach.

"...Actually babe I wanna just have a family day me you and the kids if possible bring Chay Mya and Kay Kay I miss my girls plus Zo keeps complaining about not having anyone to play with"

"She just like you you know that right" I said chuckling.

"No duh that's my baby girl" she said flipping her hair.

"But that's daddy's princess" I said biting her cheek.

"You gone play around and get beat up biting me I'm not food babe" she said laughing slightly.

"For me you are...the full course meal and desert" I say moving my lips down to her neck. I bit down on her spot lightly and smiled when she let out a shaky breath.

"Your nasty as hell"

"One of the reasons you love me baby girl" I said pecking her lips.

"Yeah yeah can we go get my kids and nieces?" She said pushing my head away from her. I chuckled and got off of her.

"Yeah cmon I gotta go annoy my momma right quick anyway"

"Mom is gone beat ya ass you keep playing with her"

"My momma ain't gonna beat me"

"Mhmm remember last time?" She said laughing.

"Man that was the past let it go" I said grabbing my towel.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now