Chapter 31

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It's been a long ass day when Cat came home she put the kids to bed then started getting ready for bed herself, I figured I might as well tell her what the doctors told me so I pulled her into my lap and took a deep breath before I spoke.


"Cat there's something I have to tell you" I said quietly.

"What's wrong Auggie?" she asked pouting.

"There ain't no easy way to say this but I'm...I have Ocular Disease I'm blind in my left eye and slowly going left in my right." I felt her stiffen in my lap. 3 beats of silence.

"When are you gonna do the surgery? I wanna be there." she said turning around I could all but see the hurt and sadness in her eyes.

"The surgery is tomorrow at 8:30 am"

"Why not tonight??"

"I needed time to tell you baby"

"August your career is at risk I'm not saying you shouldn't have told me but this is serious I wouldn't have minded if you told me afterwards you know that right?" she said holding both sides of my have in her hands.

~End of Flashback~

Ever since that night Cat's answered my every beck and call I go into surgery in about 20 minutes and right now I'm just hanging out with my baby the kids are at her parents house because well we didn't want to scare them with the news.

"How you feeling?" Cat asked playing with my curls, I don't know why but I find myself relax when she plays with my hair it's one of the reasons I haven't done anything but get a fresh tap when I need one.

"A little nervous about this but I'll be good you hungry?" I asked rubbing her thigh, I swear she's getting thicker but I think it's all the junk she been eating honestly.

"Nah I had a chicken and blue cheese salad and a burrito" she said laying her head on my shoulder she was all balled up in my lap. No matter how old we are she still acts just the same I feel like I've known this girl way longer than I actually have and that right there means the world to me.

"Ew why you eating blue cheese you know that's mold right?"

"Yeah I know but it's good you should try it"

"Over my dead body I'll try that shit" I said making her laugh. I took the chance to just stare at her for a second and smiled, I'm one hella lucky ass man.

"Why you staring babe?" she said poking my cheek.

"Cause I can I'm the only person allowed to stare at you" I said biting her cheek.

"Mhmm you gone get beat up playing with me"

"Guh you ain doing shi-"

"Mr. Alsina we're ready for you" a nurse said cutting me off. I nodded and looked at Cat.

"I'll be right here when you get out unless of course I get hungry" she said making me chuckle.

"I love you ugly" I whispered pecking her lips.

"I love you too monkey" she said giggling, I gave her one last kiss then put her down in the chair then followed the nurse down to the room they gave me something to put over my hair and clothes and I sat back in the chair as they set me up.


As soon as they disappeared around the corner I picked up my purse and speed walked to the bathroom I had to pee and take this pregnancy test, I scared as hell right now I mean I love August I don't mind having another baby but after this surgery and all that he's supposed to be going on tour and he's gonna be gone for a while a loooong while like half the pregnancy while and if I'm more than a month along that means he's gonna miss the birth of his daughter/son and I don't want that at all for him cause I know he would never forgive himself plus I don't want him to push back the date any further than he already has.

I got to the bathroom and went into a stall making sure the door was locked properly and pulled the test out of my bag I read the instructions and did what I had to do. After I was done I put the test in the box and put it in my purse I had to wait a good 5 minutes for an accurate result, I washed my hands and dried them completely then grabbed my phone out my bag and called my bestfriend.


"Hey Mari" I said smiling.

"Hey Cat how you been?"

"I've been good but..."

"But what chica? Who I gotta cut now for my best friend??!"

"Calm down child ain't nobody trying me, I think....I think I might be pregnant"

"AWWEEE!!! I'ma have another niece or nephew!!!"

"Girl stop yelling I said I think I just took the test now I'm waiting"

"How much longer?"

"About 3 minutes left" I was nervous at this peak in my career I was scared I would have to cancel my own shows as well.

"I know your nervous and probably chewing your nails right now but relax I'm pretty sure August is gonna be psyched about another baby"

"I can't chew my nails their acrylic"

"Good you don't need to be chewing anything either"

"Mhmm hold on real quick" I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the time I put the phone back between my ear and shoulder and took the box with the test out and checked it.


"What what does it say?!!"

"I'm pregnant" I said as the biggest smile ever broke out on my face. I was soo happy!

"Oh my gosh congratulations boo!!"

"Thank you, look I gotta go I need to get my butt back in that waiting room before the nurse thinks I bailed out" I said putting the test back in the box and tossed that into my purse.

"Alright hun I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah I'll see you later, bye Mari"

I hung up and looked at myself in the mirror smiling and rubbing my stomach, then I realized I still hadn't scheduled the doctor appointment like I had told August I would but I mean I already knew I was pregnant now all I need to do is figure out how far along I am.

"I can't wait to see you your daddy is gonna be really happy to hear about you" I said quietly. I grabbed my purse and walked out the bathroom and sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. For the next 3 hours I sat there playing games on my phone, who knew Ocular surgery takes this long?

Short I know but it's better than nothing I hope you guys enjoy keep voting commenting and sharing. Peace love and chicken wings y'all !!

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now