Chapter 28

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6 Hours Later...

This man, My man, has been fucking my shit up for the past 6, almost 7 hours. Keeping his strokes deep but slow. Having me scream at the top of my lungs. Switching from the bedroom, to the floor, the shower, to the hallway, to the stairs. Making me squirt for the first time. Now we're in the Jacuzzi and he's holding me in front of the jets. Not allowing me to move, with my legs shaking and me screaming and moaning. I'm sure our neighbors can hear me. I'm so embarrassed.

"Awe fuck.. A-A-Au.. I-I Cant t-t-take it!" I moan and shout at the same time.

"You gon forget bou that Toy shit?" He asks.

"Yes Daddy!! Please!!" I find myself screaming out.

He chuckles then turns off the jets. He lets me go then moves to the other side and smiles at me. "How do you feel?" He asks.

"Fuck You." I whisper.

"Oh really? Already? I mean sure." He says as he starts moving towards me.

"Oh no no you can stay your ass right over there" I say. He chuckled and backed up.

"But for real though how do you feel?"

I looked at him like he was crazy, he straight demolished me for 6-7 hours straight and then wants to ask me how I'm feeling??! I would say something smart but that's exactly what made me lose my feeling and ability to walk in the first place so I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut for the next month.

"So your going mute now that's what your trying to say?" he said clearly sounding frustrated. I nodded and pulled myself out of the Jacuzzi and sat on the edge, my legs feel like jello-tin completely useless to me.

"Your not 'walking' out of this Jacuzzi back into the house you know it and I definitely do" he said pulling me towards him. He kissed my cheek and rubbed my back.

"So since we both know this carry me back to the house it's getting chilly and I don't wanna be sick" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. I can't be mad honestly I was enjoying the hell out of those first 5 and a half hours then it started to become more than I could handle.

"What's the magic word?" he said wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Please daddy?" he smiled and picked me up bridal style and got out.

"You know we seriously have to write an apology note to our neighbors because after tonight...... we are gonna have some issues" I said trying not to laugh.

"We don't have to explain anything our private life don't concern them" he said as he made his way upstairs.

"I'm pretty sure the people across the street heard me and thought you were trying to kill me over here! I won't be surprised if they called the cops" I say laughing.

"I was killing you........killing that pussy" He says as the doorbell rings.

"Oh.. Don't tell me..." I say as I bury my face into the pillow.

"I got it.." He says as he gets up and slaps my ass then leaves out the room.

I grab my robe and put it on, using the walls and dresser to hold me up. I cant believe I let this nigga destroy me like this. My legs are gone, completely. Not even numb, just no feeling at all. As I'm making my way down the stairs to the front door I notice it's our neighbor's Malcolm and Trenten, 4 houses down. I sit on the stairs completely embarrassed. I pull my knees up into my chest and bury my face into my lap.

"Yeah, is everything okay over here? We heard loud noises." Malcolm says.

"Malcolm don't sugar coat it okay. Be honest, Pauline said they was invested in intimate sexual contact and he was giving it to her so well." Trenten says.

"Well fellas, I am sorry for interrupting you guys. It was us, I won't deny that, but what happens here, in my house is not for gossip."

I told him but why is it that our neighbors are so full of crap no one was complaining when Pauline was getting it on with the pool boy while her husband was out of town but I won't even bring that up because if Trenton and Malcolm don't know we'll keep it that I got up off the steps and made my way to the couch.

"Well maybe next time you guys can keep it down just a bit" Malcolm says no doubt he wanted to say something else.

"I'll try not to disturb anyone next time" I called out as I sat down on the couch. Note to self: never tell August his dick game is getting wack all feeling will be gone and so will an entire day. I heard August chuckle and say goodbye to them and close the door. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv and found something to watch.

"So we just gonna act like they did that shit on purpose and that Pauline ain't fuck the pool boy???" August said pulling me into his lap.

"I mean I don't care like I said there's stereos blast them and use your headphones but I'm pretty sure that one is circulating in the gossip mill, quiet honestly I'm tired of everyone in this neighborhood" I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"What you saying?"

"I wanna move because they people here always have their noses in other peoples business, at the end of the day I'm married to one person not my whole block and their family members"

"I mean people are always gonna have something to say but the question is are you gonna let it get to you at the end of the day they ain't the ones getting the good loving that your getting so their gonna be mad and talk" August said wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and smiled. "But tell me who was falling off their bedroom game?"

I covered my face as I felt my cheeks heat up and tried not to smile.

"I don't know what your talking about" I say.

"Now you don't know what I'm talking about? Do I need to remind you about what you said merely 6 hours ago you got amnesia now?"

"I mean I did hit my head a couple times in the past 6 hours soooooo" I said making him laugh. It's moments like this that I love where we just chill and enjoy each other, I seriously love my husband and no matter what I've said in the past I'm not going anywhere.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now