Chapter 22

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After waking up in complete utter pain, to Cat crying and sleeping while holding my hand, I realized how much I really really really love this girl. She means more then the world to me, and I will never ever leave her. I'm in this until the end. I gotta make this work, I can't lose this girl. I won't lose this girl. I gave her hand a light squeeze and for a split second she stop crying and then mumbled.

"Great now I'm hallucinating...August you need to wake up please..I know I've pushed you away countless amount of times acted like a complete ass to you and you didn't deserve it, your my everything August Anthony Alsina Jr and I love you so so much please baby..please just wake up" she said with her head still down.

"I love you too baby" I said making her jump. She looked at me and pinched her arm blinking.

"Oh my god, your awake thank god!" she said throwing her arms around me careful not to knock out the IV in my arm. I hugged her back but winced slightly at the pain. "Are you okay? I'll go get the doctor" she said all in one breath. Speaking really fast when she's either excited or scared.

"Slow down Cat breathe" I said smiling. She took a deep breath and smiled. "Good now come here" I said pulling her towards me I pressed my lips against hers and smiled when she started kissing back. 

"Do you know how worried you had me mister?" she said once we pulled away.

"I'm sorry what happened though?" 

"Your blood pressure skyrocketed 210 over 100 that's pretty dangerous" she said matter a factly. "Doctor said you have to take it easy with whatever it is you've been doing cause your exhausting your body and you haven't been eating right" 

"Alright Doc I'll take it easy but that eating right thing is gonna be a problem with you gone so I don't know" I said smirking as I wrapped my arm around her.

"Where are you going with this Aug? Wait don't tell me are you asking me to move back in?" she asked raising her perfectly arched eyebrows at me.

"Someone has to take care of me and make sure I'm eating right I mean I could get an at home helper" I said shrugging.

"Ha! Ha ha..your funny baby I'll be there" she said looking into my eyes. Thank you God for blessing me with this woman. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way" I said smirking.

"Your up great. I'm Dr. Williams your very lucky to have a woman like this in your life any longer and you would've probably died" the Dr. Williams said looking at the clipboard in his hands.

"Yeah I know she's pretty amazing" I said smiling as I looked at Cat.

"When can he get out of here?" Cat asked looking from me to the Dr.

"After we give him a standard check up make sure everything is in order I trust you told him what I told you earlier?" 

"Yeah I did, don't worry he'll be getting lots of rest and eating just right" Cat said smiling big. This girl is just a straight up freak. 

"Good now lets get started shall we I'll be right back just have to get some stuff" the doctor said leaving the room.

"Babe your nasty" I said as soon as the door closed.

"Who said I was talking about that?" she said smiling. 

"That tone in your voice but what happened in the few weeks we've been apart?" 

"Nothing but let me go let everyone know your up Mama Sheila would kill me if I don't tell her your up" she said slipping out of my grip.

"Alright then" I said smiling. She gave me one last look then bit her lip while walking out the room.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now