Chapter 7

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August ~Moving day~

I woke up early this morning and made breakfast for me and the kids then went and took a shower while they ate after I got out the shower I got dressed in a pair of black sweats, a white t-shirt and my whit air force ones and grabbed the keys to the truck.

"Alright you guys done eating yet?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Noo..." Zoey said while trying to cut her pancake into a smaller piece.

"Alright how about this we wait until we get back from mommies house and finish eating?"

"Okay" she hopped down out of her seat and ran to the front door. AJ looked at her as she ran out and shook his head. I can already tell he's gonna be just like me.

"C'mon little man let's go" I picked him up out the chair and tossed him over my shoulder and left out.


"Yess Zoeeyyyyy" I said glancing up into the rearview mirror.

"Hiii" she said giggling. Can she be anymore like her mom right now. I shook my head and laughed.

"Hi baby girl" I said pulling up in front of Cat's house. God damn this place is nice. I got out the car and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and then some dude opened the door.

"Oh it's you....Kit Kat he's here!!" I looked at him up and down.

"Hey Aug, um I'm almost done packing....I'ma need for you to stop stealing my outfits too" she said laughing. I didn't even notice we were wearing the same thing til she said something.

"Well no one told you to be creeping in my window" I said chuckling.

"How am I gonna be creeping in your window when we live halfway across town?" she asked laughing. "The kids are in the car?"

"Yeah they are, I didn't wanna ask Ms.Jackson to watch them she gives me the creeps"

"She still lives next door! Danngg. Oh August Andrew, Andrew August" she said while she walked off to the car. I watched her as she walked away and shook my head. Rude rude rude.

"Uncle Drew!!" Zoey yelled running up to the guy who opened the door. Hold up Uncle??? This nigga ain't even related to Cat!

"Aye princess what's up?" He asked picking her up.

"Nothing....Uncle Drew can I have candy?" She asked giving him her puppy dog face.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?"

"I started....." She said smiling.

"The I think you know the answer is no...right? Your mom would kill me plus it's too early for the you to be eating candy" I looked at this nigga up and down real quick.

How long he been hanging around my kids. I turned around and saw Cat kneeled down talking to AJ he said something to her and she pulled him into her and hugged him. I wonder what their talking about?

"Hey so I'm gonna pack some more clothes and be right down you can grab the three bags by the stairs" she said shifting AJ on her hip.

"Alright no problem take your time" I said following her inside. It's hella nice in here. I grabbed her stuff and took it out to the car and put them in the back then went back inside and sat down on the couch.

"Sup" Andrew said nodding to me.

"Sup" I said looking down at my phone that just started going off. I sighed when I saw my managers number pop up on the screen.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now